Good stuff to trade!!

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by acc1079, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest

    I have compiled some things I either have to much of, dont use enough, or have something I like using better, so time to clear it out for things I use more.

    WANTS: (if its not on the list I MAY be interested, but MAINLY looking for these listed items.
    1Z APC (large amount is a plus!)
    1Z W99
    Sonax wheel cleaner
    Adams glass cleaner (newer formula)
    Leather Master Soft Cleaner
    Leather Master Super Remover

    Heres what I have to trade. Things CAN be combined if necessary to make a fair trade for things.

    Almost full gallon of FK425. GONE


    New gallon of Meg's glass cleaner concentrate

    LSP's in order
    - RBOE - GONE
    - CG 50/50 - Used on my detailers cabinet (just wanted to try it out) About 99-98% left
    - BF Midnight Sun - GONE
    - DD Diamond White - Used on hood of wifes minivan, 97%+ remaining(lid is broken as you can see in the pic, I have kept it in a plastic bag)


    Collonite 915 and 476 , Klasse - GONE

    All pads are new never used and are 6 1/2"
    One orange and one white GONE


    Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss. Dont want to trade whole thing, but can do a gallon. Just posting a pic so you know where it is coming out of.
  2. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    The RBOE will go quick...

    Why are you getting rid of it??
  3. I've been looking to pick up RBOE, but do not have anything to trade for it. Good luck though!! :D
  4. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest

    To be honest..... just didnt get that warm fuzzy feeling when I tried it. Although, to be honest, I am sure I didnt give it enough attention and learn the best way. BUT... I also have about 15 more LSP's sitting in my cabinet, which I will never use all of them, so moving some out for stuff I use constantly.
  5. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    What are you looking for a trade for the RBOE?
  6. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest

    Well, something from my list would definitely be a + :thumb:

    I can do multiple items if someone has something obviously worth more then just the RBOE to keep it fair. I have tons of other things in gallons I can add 32 or 16oz's here or there as well if someone has something I am looking for and doesnt see something on the list that peeks their interest.

    Just mainly trying to get the things that I listed.
  7. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    OMG i'm sorry about missing the list. I don't know what's wrong with me these days lol
  8. JonM

    JonM Guest

    you have a PM kind sir
  9. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest


    no worries, I figured maybe you thought I might be looking for other things as well.
  10. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    hey man will you sell the rboe and midnight sun?

    I've got some Showroom FX (Formerly Tropi-care) tire dressing. If you search on here, you'll see it's very good stuff
  11. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    that is a large bucket of ultra-gloss, good luck with the trades...whenever i go into MS i always wondered who got the 5 gallon pail of ultra-gloss, but now i know haha!
  12. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    pm sent
  13. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    PM sent
  14. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    DROOL at that 5 Gallon container of Ultra Gloss. And that pail is kinda clear....
  15. JonM

    JonM Guest

    you never responded to my PM...does that mean not interested? Please lmk thanks.
  16. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest

    Got it and replied. Sorry for the delay, trying to double task with a few other things while checking back.

    Pm sent.
  17. scott14

    scott14 Birth of a Detailer

    pm sent
  18. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    pm sent. interested in the midnight sun.
  19. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

  20. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    edit: nvm...

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