ive never used a metal polish on any cars of mine, so i have no real experience with any products. Im looking to use it to polish my exhaust tips on my mkv rabbit because they have spots from rust that somehow dripped on them and waterspots that cant be removed with just car soap and water. any recommendations or opinions are welcome
careful on some wheels. It'll actually haze it up because it's so aggressive. Did it on some Alcoa and also DPE wheels with polished lips. But when followed up with Mothers Mag & Al it works great. I really wanna try optimum and autosol though.
I love Opt Metal Polish, works great on my GTI tips. They are a bit** to keep clean as they turn black after a week and are not polished or anything but the coating that Opt leaves behind helps clean them up fast during the next wash and shines them up pretty well. Use some #0000 steel wool and you will be golden.
P21S Polishing soap is great. Read the directions and remember to work the soap into a foam BEFORE using on the metal or you could scratch it. Autosol is very good but is abrasive. DG Metal Polish is wonderful stuff when used with a MF or 0000 steel wool. Finish with Blackfire Metal Sealant.
Autosol is the best I've used... Personally used, PS21, Duragloss, Simichrome, Bluemagic, and 3M... and autosol of course...
For big chrome pieces or wheels, Deep Finish Chrome Polish hands down. P21S polishing soap is ok to me, i do like the new Opt. stuff, although it reminds me A LOT of XMT 360. And CG High Shine or something like that metal polish is good too. Definitely wanna use BF Metal Sealant on the wheels or Collinite 845
For wheels my vote goes to FinishKare 1000P. Have been looking to trade for some BF Metal Sealant to try on my exhaust though.
I always use Blue Magic polish with great results. It removes oxidation and adds sheen to the finish, and its non-abrasive, so its great with coated polished wheels or with delicate surfaces. My other favorite metal polish is flitz, which is very similar to Blue Magic. Flitz might be just a hair more active than blue magic, but flitz also features non abrasive polishing. Hope this helps.