GM may be down, but they’re not out by any means

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by togwt, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

  2. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    My Z06 out performs my Gallardo and cost less then 1/2 the price.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    If you get tired of the Gallardo I'll take it off your hands.
  4. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    That is one sweet ride.
  5. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    997 GT2 FTW...Yeah baby :D
  6. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    $60k for a gallon of clear coat!!!! Imagine burning through that!
  7. Dylan@Adams

    Dylan@Adams Guest

    Boy, Leno sure does have a rough life huh?
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    You know for the longest time I never really cared for Corvette's but after detailing a few of them and driving the odd one I can totally understand why people purchase and enjoy these vehicles. I would have to agree as far as performance goes they are hard to beat, you get more bang for your $$ that's for sure :nod:

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