This was just booked in for a Protection Detail so no big write up and no before pics as dont usually do write ups for protection details but was really impressed with what correction was acheived using just Dodo Lime prime paint cleanser on a finishing pad 50/50 Paint work then protected with 2 coats Dodo Supernatural wax and a wipedown with zaino Z8 The end results Thanks for looking
Awesome work Jay! Do you think the correction was done more due to the mechanical abilities of the pad, Lime Prime or both? Either way, it did a pretty good job.
Nice going Jay...I really like yellow when it reflects like that...It's a shame that you can't really see how nice those wheels really are...:thumb:
hhhhmmmm interesting... i have a 57 chevy coming up thats been resprayed viper red... has holograms on it. thinking of going 106ff, maybe white pad, then dodo lime prime with black pad. right before rboe. that gives me hope that the finish should look awesome!!