The owner of this contacted me and wanted this Aston looking good for a wedding he was attending, he said the paintwork was very swirled but didnt want to have paint correction carried out at this time due to a busy diary but asked me to do what i could in 1 day and in summer give the car a full paint correction detail. So this was booked in for one of my Enhancement Details which consists of the vehicle recieving a single stage machine polish. Vehicle on arrival Vehicle was washed and clayed with usual rountine and then paint measurements were taken and paint inspected. Owner did say paintwork was very bad it and it certainly was:doublesho The paint on this was rock hard so ended up using menz 3.02 on a megs Polishing pad which gave the following results a closer look, although a big improvement made there's still alot of RDS left behind This clearly shows the benefits of an enhancement detail can make without stretching to a paint correction detail SV Cleaner Fluid pro was then applied then paintwork given a coat of swissvax divine with a zaino Z8 wipedown As always thanks for looking
Looks great Jayplay, it's always fun playing with the Meg's pads, they always seem to deliver great results combined with the appropriate polish that is :thumb: Now quit teasing me with all the Aston Martins and it's blue :druling: :druling: Just joking, that's for sharing eace:
this is a funny thread with all the props for a non full correction. non the less great work, I personally know that making the customer happy is #1, making the car perfect is anywhere from #2 on down.