getting the altima ready for winter

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Calgarydetail, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    so I wrote a midter today, finshed arounf11 got home around 12. i was restless as I often am after tests. So I thought, hey i should wash my car.
    Sp i washed the car with onr, was done in like 15 minutes. I said ohh I should protect it.
    I was thinking of putting duragloss on it but could not find it (i think i know where it is :p) so I decided to use woldgang deep gloss sealent.

    Procces- Washed car with ONR
    Applied a coat of duarloss polish bonding agent (i had two layer of wax on the car so I figured this would be enough to get the wax off. I belive its a paint cleanser trype porduct)
    I then applied a coat of woldgang deep gloss sealent, via a mf applicator
    While that was drying I used p21s gell wheel cleaner and onr and did the wheels, I did not do the isde of the rims and did a quick job of wheel wells. I was really just out to protect the paint.
    When the wheels where all doneI buffed off the WGDS- it came of really easly.

    Some comments- I am kind sad, I lost the great deapth and gloss of zymol. The car still loks good, I actully had a neighbour ask if I was selling it, he told me he has only seen someone do that kind of work when they were selling it)

    The car still looks really shiney, but its just not a zymol. I plan on doin 2 or 3 more coats of WGDS or even a coat of another sleanet like ttp from duraloss. Just something to add protection. After that I will start using wax again, but I really awnt my paint protected from the awfull winters :eek:

    Pics- Before, not to bad








  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing













    so I went to the folks place to do some stuff.

    On the drive back (not even 5 min) It was 8 degree C, sunny and what does it go and do SNOW



    weird eh?

    So i did not let the sealent cure for 12 before getting it wet :eek:not that there was much i could do at this point :cool:

    well comments questions? good or bad, they are appcircated
  3. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Looks good mate :D Love your car, great color! Nice to see that you guys got the same weather as us :p
  4. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    Thanks, I really love my car. I am really glad i chose it. I cannot say enough good things aout my baby

    ohh and on a side note, I found the duragloss TPP (105). To bad I already have a sealet on my car... ohh and i found out i had a bottle of the dp sealent. Jeeze I would have used it. Oh well I guees I just have to apply another coat.

    ohh does anyone know wha wil happen if I apply another coat of sealent if I only give this one 4ish hours?
  5. 89s1

    89s1 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Looking good Mike, nice to see 3m film on a car that is actually going to be taken care of.

    washed my car today (wanted to go nuts on it, but had no clay and the store was closed) but alas, it got snowed on too! ARG!

    silly mountain weather, i've seen it snow at +5 and now at +8... messed up climate over here.

    P.S. about the sealant, I would jsut leave it alone until the next time you are going to do strip/seal since this was a bit of a rush job anyways, just strip it next time and do it over again.
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    i guees we coul dhave good weather nad live in a carpy city :D

    But yeah, I was planning on jut stripping it next time. Might as well. I found the dg so i t should be ok.

    ohh and if you need clay this weekend and cant get any (slim to none but may happen). I have a few extra bars... they are the yellow ricardo clay too... way better then he AM stuff
  7. 89s1

    89s1 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    sweet lord, i def woulndt use the AM clay (if they even make it) I have a nasty old megs clay bar that i guarentee one of the coworkers has dropped repeatedly, so it doesnt even touch my 16 year old paint.

    thanks for the offer. I made 10.2 hours by 12:30-1:00 today, so i was gunna relax and spend 4 hours on my paint trying to make the snow stay off.

    i might not be up for it now that im off work for the weekend, i have tonnes of sutff to pack for the dreaded move
  8. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Looking good :D how many cars do you have Calgary?
  9. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Looks great!

    When are you going to prep the garage queen for winter?
  10. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    its already away, the jat just got a good washing, nothing huge. It already had 4 coats of concours so it just needed to be washed... no more jag till nexy year:p

    as for how many cars. I only own one

    mt older bro- 1
    younger bro- 1
    mom- 1
    dad- 1 daily driver, 1 summer car, and a clasic t bird from his birth yeaR

    so i guees ther are 7 cars but 5 drivers :D
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    The Nissan looks good Calgary and I'm going to have to startusing the ONR soon, I just finished a vehicle and the water was cold, good thing I was wearing those blue gloves they help a little.

    As for the sealant question, I've never tried mixing the sealants but one thing I do remember reading is that if you put another layer prior to the 12hrs it wont hurt but mixing could be an issue. I agree with 89s1, I'm sure you will be protecting the vehicle soon so you might as well hold off and re-do it.

    Seven vehicles, nice!! Withing your own family you got enough vehicles to keep you busy :D

    Very nice Nissan by the way and it looks sharp, thank you for sharing.
  12. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    thanks carlos, and yeah i know 12 hours, i waited that anyway. im thinkin of doing a quick onr wipe down and applying another coat today. (study breaks)

    7 vehicals do keep me busy, they dont all get the attention they deserve. I just dont have time to polish them all out. I am all about wax but with 7 cars i have to use sealents. I can leave them longer without worry.
  13. 02CAMSS

    02CAMSS Jedi Nuba

    looks good!Don't you think you should have used titanium to keep that nice glow.That stuff rocks and it is pretty tough.I sold all my sealents because of it.
  14. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I had titanium on it. Yeah it lasts a long time, its durable, and looks awsome. The only problem is that is still a wax. Calgary winter are not nice on paint, the combination of cold to hot (chinooks), lots of dirt and crap on our roads. I need something tougher then a wax. I am going to throw another coat of WGDS on, this should keep it protected for a few months. I will then put a layer of titanium on. I will loose a little of what is offered by the zymol, but the winters here are to harsh andi dont always have time to wash my car. i know itsbad but thats the way it is while in school :D
  15. 02CAMSS

    02CAMSS Jedi Nuba

  16. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Got any details done on the T-Bird?
  17. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    nope, its across the country and has no wheels or radatior hose... we told them to go as slow as needed so we dont have to worry about sotrage :p
  18. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    well i just got done with putting coat 2 on.

    I washed with onr, applied the wolfgang again and let dry for 30 min. then buffed off.

    Sorry no pics

    but a couple things I have noticed with WGDGS is that it looks WAY better when you let it cure, there is a noticable difference in the apperance from fresh application. with some sealents its hard to tell but the WG one is noticablybetter after cure time

    Also like most products multiple coats makes a huge diffrence. Im not sure what the dimishing point is with this but it does look way better with two coats. Its still not a wax but im excited to see what it looks like in 12 hours.
  19. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

    Good work mike!
  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    See why I favour Wolfgang ;)

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