So, next week it will arrive some products from optimum. I love optimum :headbang: Pics? okey... :itsok:
A palet..okay...I give up you win :sheep: So what is it bro!!! Come on you got to tell me suspense is killing me :gasp: :yikes: :claping:
CRAZY,just kiding. thats really cool your ordered a palate, thats a cool thing to say, i want to order one now lol. Keep us posted, and lots of pics when it comes
I wonder how their new spray wax formula will go up against good looking waxes. I've read their spray wax lasts a good time!
hahahah good one...for a second there I thought you were serious hahahahaa :laughing: :laughing: pirex that's a wicked collection you got going on bro :applause: :applause: makes my collection look like peanuts :worship: :worship:
Thanks for reminding me pirex I need some more Optimum Polish as I'm all out. And boy that was one heck of a reminder! You go bro, anybody that can order a pallet of detailing supplies is my HERO!:worship:
I take it your becoming a retailer... Guess I missed that thread. Congrats on those big orders though!