Hey guys I am a new here, and would like some advice from the pros! I am looking to order either a PC or a g110 really soon, I had my mind set on the PC till I heard horror stories bout the vibration and it breaking. I would like to know what you guys think is better? My main concern is the backing plate options for the g110.. if I were to get a rotary cable backing plate adapter would I be able to use gloss it backing plates with it. I will be using it for the KBM also!
the flex has more power of which I have never tried. I have a pc and wouldnt mind having the megs one becuase of the bail handle. I think the pc has plenty of cut with the proper set up. You can save the money you would have used for the flex and stock up on pads and products. I have been using 3M Perfect it 2 RC with an orange LC pad and the kb method and it rips through defects.
How about the up and coming PC 7435? Should be out soon I would think. I have a Flex 3401 and I still want to pick up this new Porter Cable so I can use 4inch pads and fit into tighter spaces. With the flex you are kinda stuck with a 5.5 pad or bigger.
the flex is a little out of my price range right now. I was planning to upgrade to a makita when I got the hang of things and I could justify the price for the price of that.
Here is a chart comparing the PC, G110, and the defunct UDM. Perhaps it will be helpful. If amperage is the indicator of a machine's power (and I now nothing about this), then it appears that the new PC is slightly more powerful than the G110, just as the G110 is slightly more powerful than the PC 7424. On speed 6 the PC 7435 appears to generate 6800 OPM, whereas the G110 generates 6700 OPM.
thanx for all the help guys! I am aware of the new PC coming out and it looks great on paper but I'm afraid that it might be on backorder for a while :shead:. Does anyone know if the g110 with a rotary adaper will fit all rotary backing plates? I'm leaning towards the G110 if its flexible in pad sizes and backing plates..
why not just get the makita to begin with? i started out with no experience either. I went straight to a hitachi and got the idea after three cars.