i think i wana get rid of my Flex random orbit buffer and get PC 7424 XP or maybe similar buffer. i have flex rotary and PC7424 but i used 7424xp for long time and love it. flex just doesnt seem to be as versatile since i use mostly 4" pads. let me know (or course its not straight trade)
HMM. thanks Kaban. now i have to think about it. it looks nice but still cant compare with clearance you get with pcxp. now have to decide what to do
Yes, please follow up with everyone Misha. I hadn't heard back from you either before your pending post
Seth. empty your inbox and which one is glas polish? only have final polish, high gloss polish, polishwax and paint polish from 1z
I just sent you a pm. I misread one of the labels for "high gloss polish" and thought it said glass polish LOL