FS: Dodo, Ragtop, Sonax wheel cleaner, P21S wheel gel..

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by BLUE_S, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    Hi -

    Few more items to clear.I will take paypal. prices does not include shipping. PM me if you have any questions or offers.

    Ragtopp Fabric& Vinyl Cleaner -- SOLD

    Ragtopp Vinyl protectant -- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo hybrid sealant -- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo Redmist tropical protection, 250 ml -- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo time to dry, 250ml (have 3) --- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo Clay lube, (have 2) -- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo Born to be mild (have 2 250ml and 1 500ml) -- SOLD

    Brand new Dodo Prime lite, 500 ml -- SOLD

    Brand new Optimum opti bond tire gel, 1 liter -- SOLD

    Brand new Optimum Opti seal -- 18

    Sonax 5L wheel cleaner -- SOLD

    Brand new CG citrus wash and clear, 1 gallon -- SOLD

    Brand new 303 Aerospace, 1 gallon -- SOLD

    Used P21S wheel gel (have little over 4 L) -- SOLD

    Brand new CG grime reaper APC, 1 gallon -- SOLD

    Brand new CG Maxi suds, 1 gallon -- SOLD

    Brand new Uber Merino wool wash mit -- SOLD
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Some nice stuff there. Glws.
  3. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Wow I wish I had some cash to spend
  4. bretster

    bretster Birth of a Detailer

    How much for both CG Citrus, sonax and both ragtopp's shipped to 07950? thanks :)
  5. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    PM sent.
  6. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    Sold Dodo hybrid sealant
  7. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

  8. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    Your location would help people and probably save some time responding to shipping quotes etc.
  9. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

  10. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry, updated it.
  11. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    How much for the red mist, time to dry, and born to be mild (500mL) shipped to 63127
  12. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    Sent you a PM
  13. gerbig

    gerbig Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Price shipped for the maxi suds to 35768?

    IOMCAMARO DB Forum Supporter

    Still for sale?
  15. BLUE_S

    BLUE_S DB Forum Supporter

    What are you looking for? Send me a PM

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