Hi - Few more items to clear.I will take paypal. prices does not include shipping. PM me if you have any questions or offers. Ragtopp Fabric& Vinyl Cleaner -- SOLD Ragtopp Vinyl protectant -- SOLD Brand new Dodo hybrid sealant -- SOLD Brand new Dodo Redmist tropical protection, 250 ml -- SOLD Brand new Dodo time to dry, 250ml (have 3) --- SOLD Brand new Dodo Clay lube, (have 2) -- SOLD Brand new Dodo Born to be mild (have 2 250ml and 1 500ml) -- SOLD Brand new Dodo Prime lite, 500 ml -- SOLD Brand new Optimum opti bond tire gel, 1 liter -- SOLD Brand new Optimum Opti seal -- 18 Sonax 5L wheel cleaner -- SOLD Brand new CG citrus wash and clear, 1 gallon -- SOLD Brand new 303 Aerospace, 1 gallon -- SOLD Used P21S wheel gel (have little over 4 L) -- SOLD Brand new CG grime reaper APC, 1 gallon -- SOLD Brand new CG Maxi suds, 1 gallon -- SOLD Brand new Uber Merino wool wash mit -- SOLD