FS 1Z Vinyl Gel, Dodo stuff

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Hostage1978, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    Supernatural Iroku refillable 250ml pot from Dodo Juice. 99% left
    Retail is $200
    Asking $140 + shipping

    Dodo Juice panel pots Soft and Hard waxes. Unused.
    Retail $45 each
    Asking $50 for both / $30 each + shipping

    Dodo Juice Lime Prime 90% and Lime Prime Lite unused
    250ml containers.
    Retail $28 each
    Asking $35 / $20 each + shipping

    1Z Vinyl Gel
    You won't find this stateside. I imported a case and have this to spare. Unused.
    Petroleum based vinyl/plastic dressing with fantastic durability and beading action.
    Retail $24 USD + shipping/import etc
    Asking $29 + shipping

    Please post or PM

    Attached Files:

  2. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    Open to trades as well
  3. barrym

    barrym DB Forum Supporter

    Anything in particular you're looking for?
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Yeah I'm curious as well I am interested in the 1Z vinyl gel :D
  5. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    I really don't know what I'd be interested in for trades, but uncommon products like this always grab my attention.

    I'd like to find a decent sample of Vintage or other $$ LSPs

    Post up what you've got!

    Willing to deal on the Dodo Juice stuff, it's taking up shelf space.
  6. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    Dodo Panel pots sold!

    Thanks Barry M
  7. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    I'll entertain trades of LSPs on the Supernatural or make an offer $$. Anything! Sick of looking at my unused stuff taking up space.
  8. zliegen

    zliegen Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Sent a PM
  9. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    Still available. Anyone have some Swissvax they want to trade?
  10. hostage1978

    hostage1978 DB Forum Supporter

    My account is back and I still have these items
  11. hostage1978

    hostage1978 DB Forum Supporter

    This will be my last bump for this stuff. I've got plenty more for sale coming up, just wanted to get this stuff gone first.

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