Okay - this isn't going to be your typical detailing writeup from me. This detail was done for fun, a chance for a group of us to get together and detail something a wee bit different for enjoyment, and to share some cracking banter with a bunch of mates. So take the writeup in the fun with which its intended - we had a lot of fun on the day!! This story will be told by pictures First off, lets meet the team!! Alex C Alex E Cara Davy Gordon Dave So what is the subject of our challenge?! This! It seemed to be growing.... :lol::lol::lol: Okay - thats the team, thats the challenge! Lets get down to business... Traditionally, we will start off with the wheels and arches. Check out the mud from the arches :lol: Once the wheels are arches were cleaned out, we set to work with Meguiars APC cleaning the plastics, badges, and around all areas which appeared to be supporting biological experiemnts.... :doublesho Gordon got stuck in... Davy went for gloves first We all mucked in here Killing the growths... Some real muck around the door slide... Every gap had to be cleaned and we all mucked in A quick exectuive meeting to discuss how to tackle the roof... It was a mess!! Check out the green at the back :lol: O-ring failure on the foam lance resulted in a drenched KG!! The foam didn't work on the roof! Davy tried again though! While we enjoyed the sun... There was no other choice - we drew straws for who was going onto the roof - hard luck Davy and Gordon!! Out with wooden tressels on the roof rack and away they went They were enjoying it really!! APC and brushes doing the work... They had a good view on the rest of us! Check out the careful use of the two bucket wash method The clay was hilarious - about one square foot gave this... All cleaned, detarred, decontaminated and this is what we are left with... At this stage... we fired up the BBQ and chilled out! :lol::lol: Back to work, and good old Meguiars #105 by rotary was turning around the paint nicely Refining was carried out using Meguiars #205. Work in progress Making progress... The results on the paintwork after polishing: Its not perfect, some RDS remain - but given the trasnformation being achieved in a day, we were pretty pleased with this on the timescale We still had to polish the roof though, and it was my turn to join Gordon - thats if I could make it on to the roof!! :lol::lol: I made it though :lol: Making a differnece... Cara set to work on the interior, complete with face mask!! And check this out - for a "quick once over" with the Tornador, I reckon this is mightily impressive considering how it started!! In the end, we protected the paintwork with Duragloss 111. Standing back, at midnight, we admired what we had achieved as a group today... yeah, its not perfect, still some RDS in the paint. But perfection was not the aim - the aim was to enjoy the day, enjoy the banter and make the owner happy. Given the owner's response was "Holy ****!" I think we succeeded! Not bad for a day's teamwork though, I think you'll agree... Note, we did do the roof! And more... (Trim with Bumper Care, tyres with New Look Trim Gel Glass with Stoner). At the end of the day, time to fire the barbee back up, and chill out for a couple of hours... We hope you enjoyed a slightly different style of detailing writeup ... As said at the start, see this as a group of us chilling out and having fun, and getting some good results on a vehicle you wouldn't normally expect to see detailed! Enjoy :thumb::thumb:
Hahahahaha! If it was my van I'll have some of "my" green growing it so when I'm done for the day I can break it off and roll one up. Lol! But nice turn around man I would've never done that but you guys have the guts. Nice turn around. :applause:
Dave..it looks like you guys had a blast! And what nice results too...what a bonus. I have a question and a comment about this pic...1st the comment: Cara is cute! She reminds me of Crissy Hinds of the Pretenders. :thumb::afro: Next the question: What is that cool looking car in the background? Thanks for posting.
awesome work, you guys! DUDE, that's an extreme makeover! That mini van was seriously needed help! Looks like you all enjoyed your dinner that night... BBQ...
wow! To say that was a great makeover is a understatement, it had foliage growing! None the less, that was a extreme makeover as supercharged said. Seems like you have a blast every detail I see you post up, almost as if it is not work!
:yikes: You guys are nuts man, I love it. :crasy:. Probably one of the best transformations I have seen in a while. :thumb:
Dave is the only one in the group who read Tom Sawyer. Next Saturday they'll be painting his fence.:applause2::kilt:
Thanks for all the great comments Guys. Yes we had a fantastic day as always when we get together. Like minded people with the same goal and a joy to spend time with. Bring on the next challenge. Gordon.