what is the difference between the Gilmour foamaster 1 and 2??? does the newer one foam any better??? i have a cam spray but sometimes like the portability of the Gilli.....
I believe the foamaster 2 has an adjustible dial to so you can dial up the proper mix of soap you wish to add to the water. I have Floamaster 2 and am happy with the adj dial as some soaps need more or less water mixed than another soap. Also, the foammaster doesn't foam up as dense as the foam cannons used by a preasure washer but it seems adequet for my use... just my 2 cents
yeah my FM 1 is all brass and is pretty easy to use....i see the FM 2 is all plastic.... i have a foam cannon for my PW but the portability of the FM is nice so i keep it around....
That's correct. The FM2 is supposed to handle harsh chemicals better than the previous. I also believe the adjustment is easier to use on the FM2.
well i dont put anything harsh through mine and as far as adjustability is fine as well.... guess i will be keeping it.....
i might get a foam master just b/c it can be a pain if you wanna do a quick wash to use a pressure washer.. atttatch detatch.. you know.. plus more water the hose makes rinsing much much faster. but the pressure washer makes some things faster like cleaning wheels.. honestly i think if i had to do it all over again.. i think i might say screw the pressure washer.. but i also think if i got the one Phil has at DD then i would be a happy camper.. that just looks like a beast of a PW.. i love how small it is and how all the fittings don't look like cheap POS like mine.. and i have the 1750 karcher,,, not the toy one.. it is like twice what the 1400 or 1450 (i think that's it)costs.. it has the crappiest plastic connections. and ptfe is a must b/c everything leaks.. just a pain in the ass.. if i would have known 350-400 would be this much of a pain i probably would have said screw it and waited.. then like a month later Phil gets the bomb PW.. oh well some day
I have a FM 2 and it works good, for being only capable of 40-60 psi. However, I purchased a camspray, and this thing is awesome! If you have a pressure washer and really want a more professional piece of equipment, I highly recommend going with the camspray over the FM2. Works 80% of the time, every time!
would love to buy a camspray but ATM it's too rich for my blood.....just placed an order for the FM1 :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
You'll be alright the foam master 1 is a very versitle tool and alot of fun...You did alright...:thumb: