i have been a pc user 7336 and 7424 for about 10 years ..i have gotten pretty decent with them and on most cars with enough time can usually get 95+% correction rate. well i have borrowed a griots and a flex to test out and i really like the griots as i have posted before its s faster smoother better balanced more powerful pc basically to me . the flex im trying to get used to...i love how fast i can work sip and pf with it but i dont like the way it handles....well anyway my 7424 broke last night and i need to replace it....my 1st choice is a griots and a makita 9227 or my 2nd choice is a flex 3401...my question is i have only used both about 3-4 times is there any reason to pick the flex above the griots rotary combo ?
Makita 9227 is heavy and can really take a toll on you. That being said, it will work all day every day with no trouble. Replacement parts can be had, and it's reliability vs price is the deal maker for me. These reasons also kill the Flex for me. That being said, people here have had luck with all these machines on every level. It's important to find what best suits you! That Groits machine sounds like what you'll end up with...
I sold my PC for a Griot's 6" DA and sold my Makita 9227C for a Dewalt 849X ($177 + free s&h). I love the Griot's DA, very ergonomic, powerful and less noise than the PCXP. The Dewalt....just ordered it, so can't comment. But most of the time I use a DA, rotary as a back up/just in case.
Griots. With the Megs MF system it will correct as fast as the Flex (regardless of what the Flex faithful tell you) and as you already noted, the Flex is a PITA to use.
The Flex 3401VRG is only a challenge to use at first because it rotates in the opposite direction of the other machines. Once you get past that, or if your are already left-handed, then its works great too. I really like my Makita 9227c and my Flex PE-14-250 Rotaries - and always use them to get the first correction pass done quickly and good enough most of the time, to go either a very light 2nd pass for clarity and/or a jeweling pass as required. Makita 9227c will only make you stronger if you use it a lot; it never takes a toll on me. After using it a long time, all the other machines are like little toys to hold. But that's just me.... Once you learn how to make that big dog work for you, instead of fighting it, it is really not that bad ever... I hear only great things from the performance of the Griot's, - while it IS working and not broken and sent back for a free replacement. Maybe it would be a good thing to have a back-up machine just in case it dies in the middle of a job??? I like PC's for some easy things, but really hate the noise and vibration even for a little while. I cant imagine doing a whole vehicle with one without major music and background noise suppressing headphones. Good luck with your research ! Dan F
thanks guys i did not notice the flex rotates backwards ...im going to use it again and try and adjust ....im really leaning towards the griots and a rotary of some sort i think it will be the most flexible (no pun intended) combo
I had a PC but I currently own both flex machines and the GG polisher. I would go with a rotary and the GG machine
Makita is a solid machine. I had 2 of them because 1 just broke last weekend after about 100 vehicles on it. I owned a flex PE and sold it to dirtywrex last year because it was my 3rd machine. It is so nice I just ordered another PE from phil Sunday. The PC makes me want to never polish a car due to its bad vibrations so I never had interest in a GG. One you get a makita or flex PE there is never really a need to use a DA due to the fact they go down to 600rpm and it make a great finish.
I picked up a Griots about a months ago. I detailed three cars so far and love it. I also owned a Flex a couple years ago, but took a break from detailing and ended up with a Griots.
I'm new to the Flex 3401 club, but I never touch the PC anymore. It's not even a thought for me anymore when I'm doing a vehicle. I don't feel the Flex is a pain in the butt to use at all. In fact, I find it pretty comfortable to use compared to the PC. The Flex just feels right in my hands, and I'm right handed. The opposite rotation doesnt bother me at all. The Flex feels solid, and has hardly any vibration compared to the PC. My PC used to give me itchy palms, and drove me crazy. I've had a chance to use the Griots, and I thought it was a much better machine than the PC, but I only got to use it twice.
Griots. Sooo much better than a PC. I get away with using less pressure and it saves my Meguiars MF pads that way.
I have a 3403 and almost never use it. I like the feel more than the PE but the 3403 starts at 1100rpm. I like to finish around 900-1000, so it's close but when you work the 3403 for a little while at low rpm it starts to overheat. You never utilize the 3403s power. Its also about twice the loud!!
I believe the Flex 3403 is a Rotary that starts at 1100 rpm or so; its lighter than the PE13-250 but does not have soft start 600 rpm starting speed. I dont ever want to start using my Rotary at 1,100 - 1,200 rpm for anything. None of the products I use, which are the same as everyone else uses (Meguiars, Menzerna, Optimum, Einszett, etc) require high rotary buffing speeds to do their jobs in my business. The high buffing speed guys are the ones that leave all those holograms and swirls and stuff in the paintwork for me to correct, Dan F
Even though this is a very late post (3 Months, Go ahead an scald me ) I have 5 polishers at the moment all for different purposes. 3 are rotary and two are DA. None of these are a flex DA... My number one is my Hitachi Sp18VA - Very quiet for it's size, true work horse and a very low speed setting of 400 which makes it a deal breaker. Priced at 160 shipped from coastal tool you can't go wrong. Number 2. My Griots 6 inch DA, it's awesome however do your self a favor and get a 5 inch bp because cutting regardless of the amazing amounts of torque, it still is just too time consuming with a 6/6.5 pads. Overall awesome machine. I picked this up from amazon when they had that insane deal (95 shipped for the 10ft cord, yes it's a V2) Number 3. Extremely rare and you won't see any here state side is my fave for long intensive corrections. Dodo Juice spin doctor. MASSIVE amounts of Torque, Ridiculously lightweight, Amazing carrying case but the price is very high and you need special adapters to run this bad boy. However once you have it down with a fully loaded weight with pad at 4.8 pounds, it's just awesome. (I paid just over 300 for this great machine, keep mind this price reflects ALOT of attachments in order to run this in the states.) Number 4. Griots 3 inch DA - This mini da is great for tight spots on curvy cars and cuts in mean. It has massive TQ an doesn't rattle your hand to bits in the process. It's pretty heavy but solid feel. Honestly I use this machine for the sole purpose of wetsanding. It has amazing control and due to it;s small size you can see exactly where your points of contact are. (I got this from autopia for 95 shipped, it's worth it if you wetsand a lot ie old cars.) Number 5. Flex 3403, Great machine, Lightweight, Good amount of TQ (No where near the Dodo), Reliable and Very cost effective if you know where to look. I picked mine up from ebay for 205 shipped, used once in the box. Keep an eye out, while everyones hunting for the 3403 take the time to grab a 3401. My only peeve is the heat. This machine heats up on the main head section and will literally burn your fingerprints right off after a good polishing. All are amazing machines but I did rank them in order from fave to least fave.