First time trying paint correction on my 2001 Mustang GT Bullitt.

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by jmccormick, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. jmccormick

    jmccormick Virgin Detailer

    Used Meg's 105 with orange pad and 205 with a white pad followed by a blue pad.

    After looking at it in different lights, It came out way better than expected since it was my first time. I think I should have gone with a little harder of a pad with the 105. There is still some RDS in the hood that just wouldn't come out.

    Overall I am very happy.

    few 50/50 shots


    couple befores.


    random shot


    I will have full car pics when it is nice outside. I also have a friend doing a small photoshoot of my car as well.
  2. drew935

    drew935 Auto Salon Works

    Orange pad is good. Awesome results with your first time correction. :applause:
  3. Daydream Believer

    Daydream Believer Birth of a Detailer

    nice! hopefully i'll get some good results when I finally have some time to try this out haha
  4. Looks great. Im working on my 2000 GT. Should be done in the next couple of days
  5. jmccormick

    jmccormick Virgin Detailer

    It's supposed to be sunny today, I will get it outside and get some pics in the sun hopefully to show my work.
  6. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Nice job! I used 105 and an orange pad yesterday on a civic, always a knock-out combo.
  7. jmccormick

    jmccormick Virgin Detailer

  8. jmccormick

    jmccormick Virgin Detailer

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