First Time New Megs 105

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by skurzhun, May 31, 2009.

  1. skurzhun

    skurzhun Birth of a Detailer

    I had some time to work on my car today and I just picked up some of the new megs 105. I'm still a newbie to polishing so any tips would be great. I used a PC with a 4" orange LC pad.

    Here's some interesting pics from using a normal Halogen and a LED along with a macro lens on my camera. I noticed it was hard to autofocus on the swirls themselves so I got close up and manual focus in two pics. You'll notice I focused on the scratches/swirls which put the light out of focus. The camera in autofocus mode tends to try and focus on the reflection of the light source rather than the swirls. The LED light I used showed a lot more imperfections than the halogen did. I couldn't manually focus these because I had to hold the light with my other hand.

    This is just a first pass on the left side, untouched on the right. I'm hoping another pass will clear it majority of it up.







  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I like the close up pictures of the RID's :thumb:

    I've never used 105 my self but sounds like a good product, thanks for sharing with us :peace:
  3. Dave KG

    Dave KG Jedi Nuba

    Cracking product the #105, #95 is also very good too - love the aggressive cut it gives in the way it gives it - easy, little or no dust, easily variable work time. 3M and Menzerna could learn a few things about compounds from these Meguiars ones...
  4. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    In the first pass it made a huge improvement for sure!
  5. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Dave, you were talking about the 95 with little dust, right?? I say that because 105 dusts terribly..great product, loved it on the Subaru I did, but alot of dust.

    105 will finish down better, just change the pad, try the white pad and see if the cut of the 105 still allows you to remove the swirls on your clean, but finish down better with the ability of the pad combination and the super micro abrasive technology of the 105...
  6. Dave KG

    Dave KG Jedi Nuba

    #95 is actually my preferred of the two - it reminds me of the "old-school" #80-series compounds which I always got on with, and I find it a lot less dusty than other compounds I use (such as Power Gloss and Fast Cut). Work time is nice and long if you want it too.
  7. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    Great pics there SIR!

    I have some old 105 that I'm still playing with. I need to get some new 105 and 205 one of these days...
  8. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Megs 105/205 are linear (non-diminishing) type compounds, whereas Menz are non-linear (diminishing) polishes and have been in the abrasive product market since 1888
  9. Dave KG

    Dave KG Jedi Nuba

    Yes, I am aware of that - however, the differences above I am referring to are more to do with the lubrications of the polishes which affects there usable work time (varying on paints as well naturally, as some paint "absorb" lubriricatin more than others) - The Megs compounds seem far more oily and far more long living without the need for additional assistance as opposed to Menz PG which requires water spritzes to extend its useable work time to take the abrasives to better completion... I know that #105 and #205 are unigrit, similar to MarkV Mystique, and so varied work times vary cut (similar really to diminshing abrasives, though without the fundamental limit that they posses).

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