First attempt on the Makita 9227c

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Reflect, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I got a chance to use 1Z Einszett High Gloss Polish via LC Purple Wool on my Makita today for the first time using a rotary. I don't think I properly removed all of the wax because I felt the rotary sticking and hopping, as well as the polish gumming up. I finally got all the polish cleaned off, followed by 501 then 105. I'm pretty impressed so far, I'm just not used to the power yet.
  2. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Good attitude Reflect. You will find that It get easier as you go...Keep up the good work...Just relax and breath...:thumb:
  3. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    Congrats on the purchase. :thumb:

    I am going to use my Makita for the first time tomorrow too. :gidiup:

    Have fun using it from now on, it is a great machine.
  4. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Start out with a polishing or finishing pad and a mild polish so you get used to the machine. The makita wont run like butter with a PFW, you really should feel the fluidity of the machine and get used to its power with a softer foam pad first and then move up to heavy cutting with a wool pad. One day, it will just click and you will be like damn this is fun... the rest is history:mounty:
  5. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    This may be a really dumb comment, and please forgive me if it is...isnt the 1z high gloss polish a finishing polish? If im correct in thinking that (which im sure uncertain of) maybe that had something to do with it considering you were using PFW *not feeling right*...????
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well done Reflect :thumb:

    At first the rotary will want to do it's own thing, but stick with it...once you gain control of the rotary things will come together.

    What ever you do, don't give up, just keep on going. if you need help we are all here to help, don't be scared to post a question, there are no dumb questions when it comes to learning :thumb:
  7. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Hey, Reflect, I'm in somewhat of the same boat. I just started using my Flex rotary over the past few days. I've been using the Flex 3401 for well over a year, and the Flex 3403 is similar shape (a lot lighter though!). The key thing for me to remember is not to grip it like I'm trying to strangle it. Make sure you're working on a clean surface as well. With my 3401 it would hop around if the surface wasn't clean, including QDs. This is why I've kind of gotten away from priming my pad with a QD before polishing. There are some others around that do prime. You'll figure out your own system. As DSMS stated, try using a softer pad and finishing polish first to get the hang of it. That's how I started out first. Good luck!!!
  8. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I think it is comparable to SSR2... so like between a swirl remover and a finishing polish. I think the final finish is the finishing polish although it states glaze.
  9. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    I used my Makita for the first time today. And it was interesting. It did not help that I went snowboarding the other day and my body was aching. But I think that if I have more pratice, I'll be good at it. And you guys are right, the Makita wants to move itself most of the time. The results are pretty good, but I was going at around 900-1200 RPM. After I get used to it at low speeds, I'll bump it up a little bit. I hope you are having good progress using your Makita too. This machine has a lot of potential.

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