Finally got it!!!!!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well DB Boss finally came through for me, i got my MacBook Pro today. First of all a big A+ to Mac for the box it comes in, boy is the box ever impressive wow :druling:

    Now, for the machine it's self. Very slick and very ergonomic designed, the keys are incredible, they feel so conformable and are well placed even better then my Sony. Turned the machine on and it didn't boot as fast as I was expecting it but oh well, the main screen is quite impressive...I'm not used to it so it took me a bit to get the connection to the internet going :shrug:

    Just getting going with it oh and my little girl is the one that told me that "safari" is a web browser, ha my little girl knows more about a Mac then me :confused: She told me that that's all they use at school :confused: :confused:

    So I clicked on "safari" and the net loads up, the screen it's self is something else extremely sharp and the colors are very soft and smooth...oh but the best part so far is as I got on to the forum, I started tipping a way and noticed that some of my text was being underlined with red lines like word telling me I've made spelling mistakes...when I saw that I was in love...finally I wont make as many spelling mistakes thanks to the Mac or this Safari browser.

    So, so far I'm very impressed with the MacBook Pro :druling: :druling: Look forward to start editing images and specially the videos, after all that's the only reason why I purchased this MacBook Pro :thumb:

    Well enough :bla2: :bla2: now for the pictures:
    I have to admit the case it came in was very impressive.

    Just got better and better :druling:

    Side by side with what I used to favor, my Sony.

    Even the power plug is impressive :applause2:

    Here it is booted up and all :druling: :druling:

    After a few minutes to get the internet connection going :doh: :doh: made it to the forum :thumb:

    Well sorry for the long winded post but so far I'm quite impresed with the computer. Now to do more re-searching :computer: so to better familiarize my self with it.

    Oh um...if any of you have any tips for me please share, I feel like a new born with this computer, I'll bet my little girl can teach me a few tricks..oh I connected a track ball mouse and I can right thought that feature didn't' exist in Mac's...oh there is also no "page down", "page up" buttons but found out that if you hold "command" plus the arrow down or up you can go all the way to the bottom of the page or top, found that a bit else...oh it has no "backspace" but no big deal...all in all I'm pleased with my purchase..wish I would have done it earlier, so far so good :thumb:

    Oh and the multiple screens in "safari" are wicked and I love the size of the screens...any who looks like the beginning of a lovely relation ship :thumb:

    Oooh I just found out how to "page up" and "page down" hold "fn" and then press the arrow key up or down....nice :wicked: lol..sorry I'm like a kid right now :shakehead:
  2. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Congrats on the new puter... I am sure you will be pleased!
  3. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Very nice. I've been wanting a MBP for some time.
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh check this out, I read about it but it's quite something seeing it...again sorry just being a kid at the moment :gidiup: :gidiup:

    This is cool:
    The keys have lights...:druling:

    Wicked :wicked:

    Now this made me think, what happens when the lights burn out :confused: it's going to be one expensive repair bill...I guess :confused: Any who who cares about that, I'll just enjoy the Mac :thumb:
  5. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    A lit keyboard would be nice.....
  6. 1f1fan

    1f1fan Birth of a Detailer

    Congrats on the new purchase!
  7. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Looks awesome Carlos. That case is awesome!.

    Lights on the keyboard would be sweet. Especially if you were in the bed late at night watchin tv.

  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you guys and sorry for all the rambling, I'm quite happy with the machine :whistle:

    Exactly :thumb: I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this :whistle:
  9. Scott's Mobile Detailing

    Scott's Mobile Detailing Welcome to Detailing

    macs ruleeeee you will love your soooo happy with mine
  10. FuelTuner

    FuelTuner Birth of a Detailer

    right on man!!! I have a MacBook Black.. and I love it .. never going back to pc again!!
  11. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    nice!!! I think the Mac still isnt as user friendly as it claims.... maybe Im still adjusting!

    I hate the mouse......
  12. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I stand by my PC!!!

    Anyway, congrats on your purchase Carlos! I only really hear great things about Macs but I refuse to convert, LoL. Perhaps when I have more money to play around with, I'll purchase one like yours.
  13. sumdetailer

    sumdetailer Birth of a Detailer


    You will love your MBP.. they had had right click for awhile I believe it is apple key + click. Have you had a chnace to video edit on it yet to compare with the sony? Keep us updated on how you like it!
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I'm not using the Mac mouse, I'm using one of those track ball mouse with the scroll um..thingi in th emiddle and the left and right click buttons on it :confused: any who it works just like on the PC for me :shrug:

    Really, they've had the right click for a wile now, nice..I didnt know that. As for the video editing, no :shakehead: I'm still trying to figuire out how to connect my camera with the Mac same for the video recorder, I stayed up till 12 or so last night fooling around with the Mac and today I took it to a friend of mine who's going to be leading more software for me :cheerl: so I wont have the Mac back till Monday or so :shrug:

    I'm quite curious how it will perform when it comes to videos, my Sony boged down every time I did any videos, poor thing :shrug: I'll keep you posted.
  15. sumdetailer

    sumdetailer Birth of a Detailer

    I hate to say this, but one of my friends got a mbp and his camcorder wouldn't work with the new imovie, but when we tried it on mine(2nd to newest) it worked fine. He had done some more research and found out it was a problem for other people too.

    Guess your going to have to buy final cut pro :p
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, I'm not sure if the camcorder will even work with the Mac, nor the XTi Rebel...I'm going to try just connecting them both with the USB ports and hope for the best hahahaha..if they don't work well then I'll let my friend get me the apporpriate software to make it work. Not a big deal for me, one way or another my friend will make it work :shrug:

    Final cut friend e-mailed me a long list of programs he's going to be installing, not sure if one of these was Final Cut Pro though? I'll tell him to include it anyways, can't never get enough programs :thumb:
  17. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    LOL I showed you they keyboard that one time at lunch. haha the sensors are in the speakers, so just cover them whenever you feel the need to show off. I turn mine on and off all the time and they didn't break.

    Glad you like the machine. 15"? I am thinking about getting myself a new one...I need MOAR POWER :D
  18. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    just connect your regular USB PC mouse, and it is the same ...isnt it?
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh yea, last night I tried to view the videos that I've been posting on the forum and they didn't work? I just got a small screen with a bunch of words and jiberish...question is since I'm the one loading the videos and the format I've been using is Windows Media Player (something like that) what format should I start using for Mac user?

    Actually I know there are a few Mac users, how are you guys seeing the videos?
  20. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    VLC :)

    I am kind of at work or else I would email it to you. Just google VLC player

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