Cant believe the condition it was in, specially for a brand new car...Kias come in better condition that that. Great detail though, must be nice to get a tub of Migilore with it!
it was in better condition...what are they doing around these cars?? that is horrible to see paint like that on a very much new vehicle. Very good recovery though!
You work on some very nice cars, and at a very nice dealership! Is there a lot of money in the area you live in?
Thanks buddy! I live in Budapest and for the most part either people are filthy rich here or dirt poor (I don't fall into either class, but... ). There's a lot of money here, just well hidden which is why you can't see many of these cars on the streets and why they all have foreign plates . Most Hungarians with cars like these register them in other countries to "hide" their wealth and to escape HUMONGOUS taxes. We pay about 50% in taxes here on top of every other ridiculous tax, so it comes as no surprise to me why people try to hide their wealth.