Ferrari 360 Correction

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Lucci Elite Detail, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Lucci Elite Detail

    Lucci Elite Detail DB Forum Supporter

    This car was corrected for one of my best clients I had recently corrected a couple of his other vehicles a while back and had to wait to our schedules lined up to start the other few cars that still needed attention. This Ferrari was a 2000 360 that hadn't ever been properly paint corrected/washed before! After a thorough wash and prep process I saw what I was up against and it wasn't pretty! A couple days later the paint was back to perfect and once again my client was in disbelief stay tuned for the rest of his cars soon. Enjoy the photos.

    Wheels Had Seen Better Days



    Foamed To Loosen Dirt & Strip Prior LSP


    Before Damage















    Lux Pdr On The Scene Lending A Hand



    Paint Correction Process


    After Correction Under The LED


















    Final Sun Shots























  2. Wow Jimmy carlooks great. I seeyou drive the ctsv.
  3. WashingJosh

    WashingJosh Jedi Nuba

    Nicely done. What combo did you use to achieve the results?
  4. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Novitec wheels change the whole look of the car, certified BB service cleanIDGE..
  5. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

    Nice work Jimmy, that thing was pretty messed up.

  6. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    another great save Jimmy.
  7. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    brighter than the sun LOL
  8. Streetlife

    Streetlife Birth of a Detailer

    Nice job Jimmy!
  9. Upper Class Detailing

    Upper Class Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    great job boys!!!
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Really nice Jimmy. Lovin' the yellow.
  11. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Perfection yet again! Lambo and Ferrari.. so much win.
  12. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    great work what process did you use?
    sexiest (not the best) ferrari in the last 20 years
  13. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  14. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    Been looking forward to this one. Out of the park Jimmy....well done. Pics are flawless.
  15. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Great work Jimmy

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