exterior: -Meguiar's Gold class shampoo -P21s Total Auto Wash (wheel wells/tar/bugs -Z18 Claybar -Z7 car wash as lube (diluted) -Menzerna IP (orange CCS) -Menzerna MP(white CCS) -Meguiar's QD -Meguiar's #26 yellow wax -Stoner's Invisible Glass -Meguiar's Hyper Dressing (tires/wheel wells 4:1) -Simple green (wheel wells) -P21s Gel wheel cleaner Engine: -P21s Total Auto Wash -Meguiar's Hyper Dressing (4:1) Interior: -Simple green (gum in seats) -Z10 Leather in a bottle other: -Porter Cable 7424 -CCS pads -Mother's Billet polish -aerospace 303
Vehicle looks good, how bad were those swirls/scratches? Some of them looked quite bad...like these ones for example: Were you able to corect this area? Just wondering that's all, very nice vehicle and the interior looks lovely :thumb: Good luck on the competition :cheerl: