It's funny how many people I meet online, we chat, PM, email, talk on the phone......but we often only have a mental picture of what we think the person looks like. Time to show those ugly mugs! Lets put a face to the name!
Man I was expecting Italian blood not some Brad Pit wana bee hahahahaha just teasing It's nice to put a face to the name, thanks for sharing buddy :thumb:
If you ask me that bear is getting to friendly with the girl there...let me see those hands :rollingpin: lol...just teasing...she's cute though :thumb: good taste
LOL there I added a photo of just me... I think you got the skinny part right...and to some extent, I guess I hang out with mostly white it could happen..
Quick story about the pic of me in the wings. It was Halloween and we were in Taiwan (Teaching English). Well, that attracts quite the attetion considering they don't have Halloween in Taiwan... After a few dozen beers I hop in a cab to take me home. A mistake was holding a few hundred bucks in hand in the drivers view (Cab muggings/rapes are not uncommon in Taiwan). So the driver pulls in an alley and grabs my money, there were two guys (He radioed ahead) waiting also in the alley. It was quite the brawl I must say! I ended up walking away with my money and three little asian guys (Sorry Sneek! LOL) regret trying to mug a 225lb fairy!
It was because they could have had weapons. Smart thing to do??? Walk away.... Drunk Italian thing to do? Break teeth... :boxing: Imagine the conversation when the all got to their feet.... "Not a word of this to anybody" LOL
LOL man they deserve the beating trying to mug you. Here's mine: Yup I've served sometime in Disneyland for trying to steal some baby's candy . MM MMMM chicken and waffles