Man this thread came at a nice time for me. My back has been killing me for like three days now on and off. Thanks for this.
I'd read a few post's were detailer's had ben complaining about back pain and was there a way to minimize it. Glad it was of some help
thank you forposting this .latley ive been trying to found out what to do about my back pain . its gotten worse.. and detailing has become so hard to do latly . do to lower disk issues i have ....great info !!
Great help Jon! I've been dealing with sciatica pain for almost a year now. I started some PT, and most of the stretches that you listed are on there. For relief of low back pain, and sciatica symptoms, I've found that laying down on your stomach, letting you spine stretch and settle helps a lot. Followed by crossing your arms in front and resting your body on your elbow/forearms and holding it, even with minimal gradual pain, will help relieve a lot of the back pain. If you sit at a desk during the day, this will help you immensely over time. Take a beach towel, roll it up and put it behind your back and up against the chair back. Try to position this towel in your mid-back region, This will help keep you aligned and gradually (my experience of about 2-3 months) this has helped my back. I haven't taken a single pill since I've started on the Physical Therapy exercises. Still in pain, but due to my own laziness, and MUCH MUCH better than before I started, and learned how my spine was being affected by my daily tasks, A firm/stiff mattress helps A LOT also.
Why did I not see this before my detail....grrr! lol.. Thanks for posting, I have lower back issues for years now...lower two disks have limited movement and causing continuous irritation and pain sets in when i do alot of physical work. Did a year of therapy and helped a bit but not much.