Envious Detailing: M5 correction

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Envious Eric, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Envious Eric

    Envious Eric Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    M5 two step correction.

    This car need a ton of help and a three step was out of the budget and way over the amount of the time allowed for the detail. I went with a rather aggressive two step that actually surprised me on how well I was able to finish down after. Usually I wouldn’t get so aggressive with the compounding without doing a three step, but this paint just responded quite well.

    Decon wash
    Clay treatment
    Clean paint
    Sealant wax
    Wheels and tires
    Interior vacuuming and dusting
    Leather conditioning


    Afters 10 hours later

    It was very cloudy outside and I had to leave 30 min prior so no afters with lights, but lets just say the turn around was drastic!!!! MUCH improved clarity and depth, loads more gloss and wetness, and a smoother feel to the paint!
  2. wong05tsx

    wong05tsx DB Forum Supporter

    No afters with the brinkmann you used on the befores? 10 hours is lightning fast to do all that + interior work!

    Looks great! wasn't trying to bash :)
  3. Envious Eric

    Envious Eric Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    no, as I stated...I had to leave and make the 1.5 hour drive home 30 min prior to me finishing the car, so I was already late. staging the car with lights and adjusting settings, etc and adding 15 more min would have meant a super pissed off fiance waiting for me! Plus he needed the car about an hour prior already

    Plus I have about 30 other writeups to do that have afters with lights, :)

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