Dusty Charger even after a wash!

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by ps3king, May 24, 2009.

  1. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba


    So i am wondering what's going on with my car and how i can fix this issue. I notice that as soon as I wash my car (whether its a car wash, or by hand) within seconds after the car is dry it looks really dusty in certain areas. For example my trunk, rear window, and quarter panel get a layer of dust and when I run my finger through it my finger becomes really dusty. This really confuses me as I just washed the car and it's dusty already.

    Why does this happen and how can i fix it?


  2. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    What LSP are you using? Carnubas attract dust, but that wouldn't explaint the rear window. Where do you live? Construction near by, farm fields, someone cutting the lawn. A lot of things can contribute, dust gets airborne very easily.
  3. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    So far i haven't put any LSP myself, i think the dealer might've put something when I bought the car from him. They put a rust inhibitor and some other stuff on top...water use to bead a lot, now it still does but not as much.

    I don't believe i live in an extremely dusty area however dust is everywhere and getting dust on my car is inevitable. My only concern is that literally 5 seconds after I wash and dry my car i look at certain areas and they already have a layer of dust whereas other areas don't.

  4. lamby

    lamby Birth of a Detailer

    sounds like you might be missing a spot while washing? or is it the entire car?
  5. Grey Ghost

    Grey Ghost Jedi Nuba

    what kind of towels are you using?
  6. magnumrt

    magnumrt Birth of a Detailer

    I find that it is pollen .its just that time here in ontario , Not sure how to solve the problem other than keep your car inside but thats only going to delay it until you need to go somewhere. :deadhorse:
  7. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Its Pollen, It will be gone soon.:applause2:
  8. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    its certain parts of the car. for example the whole rear quarter panel.

    im using the really cheap MF towels from Canadian Tire.

    I'm putting an order soon as soon as I get some paychecks and gonna get some real MF towels and other legit car wash supplies but will that really solve my problems?

    pollen season eh...that sucks. but that still doesn't explain why only certain parts of my car get dusty while the others stay fresh.

  9. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Maybe what you notice is linting from the chaper MF? I would get some good MF towels, I really like Justins towels on teh rag shack. Then wash, clay, polish or atleast use a paint cleaner and then seal with a good sealant.
  10. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Pollen [: Micro gametophytes - pollen grains] one of a series of in-depth detailing articles © TOGWT ™ Ltd Copyright 2002-2008, all rights reserved. See article in Detailing Bliss forum, Detailing School section
  11. c32AMG-DTM

    c32AMG-DTM Birth of a Detailer


    Another idea - assuming the car is freshy washed, try a final step wipedown with an anti-static QD. There are several to choose from, but I personally like the ones from Chemical Guys.
  12. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Hi, If you just got the car and haven't had a chance to do anything on your own yet. I would start from scratch. I would clay the car and do a IPA wipe down. After that you're going to have to put an LSP on the paint because you will have no protection on it. This is just an idea That will let you know were you stand and If it doesn't help it sure won't hurt...:thumb:
  13. scottBT

    scottBT Birth of a Detailer

    wild stab in the dark but maybe its had a heavey silicone based polish on it by the dealer that or it may sound bizarre but some sicko's use silicone spray to glaze the car which can cause heavey static and 101 more different knightmares.....just a thought but i hope its not the silicone spray for your sake:thumb:
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Holy crap man. Is there a subject you DON'T have an article on? LOL
  15. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    static could be it too. I find that towels when thrown into the dryer compared to being hung dry creates static electricity on the paint and it just attracts all kinds of dust after polishing and wiping down.

    That's my experience. Try hang drying your towels and see if there is a difference.
  16. POPPAJ

    POPPAJ DB Forum Supporter

    Having the same problem in Michigan. Seems like pollen to me helped by near constant winds this time of year. A polish with OPII, DWG and two layers of Fusion helped some, but time will take care of the pollen. First try with the OPII.....love it!!!
  17. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    I don't think so, but if you find one let me know :graduation: LOL
  18. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    I'd agree with this

    Note: to ensure that the washing machine has no residual detergent or fabric softener; rise the machine drum with a 1:3 solution of washing liquid (with no bleach) / distilled white vinegar, clean about every 2-3 months

    And yes there is an article on this too :sorry: LOL

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