Duragloss 501 ... got ?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by GDAL, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. GDAL

    GDAL Guest


    I recently purchased a bottle of 501 at the local CarQuest. I really want to try out on my brother's white Pathfinder and hopefully try the 501/601/105 combo. I have a few questions regarding this paint cleaner.

    1. Some DB members mix 501 with 85rd or 106FA to get some correction ... can someone elaborate on this technique?

    2. Most people use a white LC pad with 501. I only have uber pads ... is the uber blue the equivalent?

    3. Any advice regarding application and removal? I'm planning on using my pc for the application.

    Thanks in advance,
  2. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    sorry i can't help out with the rest as i'm not a duragloss user but what other pads do you have?

    Blue pad is more for applying wax/sealant/glaze or jeweling the paint with something like 85rd
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    If you're looking for some kind of cut, you might want to use an uber green. You're not going to get crazy results as far as correction goes, but the product does clean the paint very well. Blue could work.
  4. richy

    richy Guest

    Gianni...I've used 501 in about every way imaginable. There is no bad way to use it. It is very versatile. Are you looking to do some type of correction or do you just want it to clean the paint and lay down a bit of correction? If you have a filthy white car that needs a deep cleaning, then use a more aggressive pad. I have never tried mixing it with a compound that I can remember. I would rather do the extra step. I always use it last instead of a glaze to clean up the paint prior to the sealant being applied. Since the paint has already been corrected, I usually do this stage by hand. The most aggressive pad I remember using was an LCC green one. I will caution you however that it is a bitch to get it out of your pad....soak it in some Dawn power disolver or some such thing. You will squeeze it and still feel it oozing out of the pad. Having said that, I love the results I get with it so I dont care. I'll be interested in seeing what you end up doing and hopefully you take some shots. :picture:
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Thanks Kyle ... I'm not looking for correction, but I wouldn't mind improving the paint. The new Pathfinders have a medium hardness clearcoat and for what I can tell, this paint is in decent shape (swirl-wise).

    Do I have to work the 501 mixed with 85rd/106fa like a polish? Or can I make quick passes? I don't think the 85rd/106fa breaks down as fast as the 501 application.
  6. richy

    richy Guest

    It breaks down quickly...you won't spend long on this stage.
  7. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I have all the uber line so I was thinking about using the green or the blue ones.
  8. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Thanks for the advice Richy!!! I'll definitively post pics.

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