DoDo Samples

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by tbaker, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. tbaker

    tbaker Virgin Detailer

    Have supernatural, orange crush, and banana armour samples. SN and BA have hardly been used, OC had ~1 coat applied.

    I can take pics of the amount remaining if folks are interested. Willing to trade b/c I bought larger cannisters of these.

    Looking for a new wax or sealant to try - much more interested in waxes. Would like to try something I don't have...main interests would be SV autobahn wheel wax, other dodo products (RBJE, Purple Haze, Light Fantastic), or lusso oro....

    I have Concorso, Supernatural, Orange Crush, P21S concours, Menzerna Power Lock, Zaino, PB wheel sealant, so don't need any of these.
  2. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    I have some "rubbish" mothers sealant if you wanna try that. hahah kidding, im assuming RBOE?
  3. tbaker

    tbaker Virgin Detailer

    haha, yes. will edit to make more clear. These acronyms are new to me.
  4. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    I'd try the Dodo juice SN for a sample of poorboy's wheel sealant? Is that fair?
  5. tbaker

    tbaker Virgin Detailer

    I already have that - I should add that to the list of what I have.

  6. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I'll trade some BF sealant and some Vic's red for some concorso :p:

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