Dodo Juice layering

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by skizot, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. skizot

    skizot DB Forum Supporter

    For anyone with a dark colored car, one technique that I have found produces excellent results is layering Dodo Blue Velvet hard wax with Dodo Purple Haze. Just an amazing, deep, wet shine with amazing beading.
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Got any pics?
  3. skizot

    skizot DB Forum Supporter

    here is a good example. this is a midnight blue metallic paint

  4. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Looks great, besides that orange peel on the back bumper.
  5. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    How do you get rid of orange peel?
  6. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    wetsanding, but you have to be careful with it.
  7. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    did you top blue velvet with purple haze, or purple haze with blue velvet? By the way, it does looks amazing!!!
  8. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    wow ... its really look great ...

    I think most car do have the orange peel rite? even a new car lol ... i dont know why ...
  9. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    All cars do, unless it has been wet-sanded and buffed which is what is done to show cars. But when show cars are painted they put down another layer or two of clear as they know they will be sanding to get rid of orange peal so they do not have to worry about going through clear.

    Orange peal is due to the paint technique, you can minimize it alot but no it is due to solvent evaporation faster in some particles than others. You technically could paint and not have orange peal but it is very rare and difficult to do.

    Great looking car through, laying dodo does give some great results, hard wax and top it with the complementing soft wax always seems to net great results.
  10. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    I am gonna take some 500 grit sand paper to my car. BRB
  11. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    500 might be a bit much.
  12. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    Least aggressive first and foremost. 500 grit is to aggressive to start. Post pics of what you are sanding and let others help surmise your situation. By the way, thanks for posting pics of this method of this line of product, will help in selecting what to use when i take the Dodo plunge.
  13. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    I was only joking...
  14. iddqd

    iddqd Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Purple Haze on top of Blue Velvet. Good to know!
  15. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    looks good.
    how about pics of accord lol
  16. skizot

    skizot DB Forum Supporter

    as already mentioned, hard then soft. ;)
  17. skizot

    skizot DB Forum Supporter

    Here is the only picture that I have up online somewhere and I am too lazy right now to go upload a better angle and picture. You get the idea. It still looks good and I keep it up for the most part. I think this picture is when I used Klasse AIO, which I hated.

  18. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Looks great! Nice ride!
  19. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    looks realy nice. look at the reflection on the hood

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