DOC says I can get out this week

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by carados, May 18, 2008.

  1. carados

    carados Virgin Detailer

    My doc says I may actually be able to get out and do some things later this week so I am putting together my plan.

    I feel like I am missing something, however it may be that i am not understanding exactly how to use my products (yes i am a weekend warrior) (yes i have a tendency to over do things just ask me about my window modules) :crasy:

    My polishes

    pinnacle XMT3 (to get out some minor scratches)
    cg creme glaze II
    cg pro polish +
    cg jet seal
    cg 50/50
    4star UPP boosted

    after xmt would one of these products work for a good polish
    I believe i will use either the jetseal or upp before my 50/50

    seems like creme glaze is also a product before 50/50 which would leave me with pro+ as the all over car and product to follow the small areas of xmt3 :shrug:

    This is of course following a good washing and claying.
  2. carados

    carados Virgin Detailer

  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    This is just my opinion but I've tried the XMT products but I wasen't very pleased with them, they seem to have filers in them and seems to be meant more for a PC (DA).

    They get the job done but you really have to worry about the fillers...but that's just my opinion, hope it helps a little.

    Wait you asked "after xmt would one of these products work for a good polish"...xmt is a polish.

    POPPAJ DB Forum Supporter

    PP, JS, 50/50-just what I used last week! Worked out great! However, I would add, Sam Adams,Bucket,Ice and Rock Salt. Personal Preferences may vary!

    Congrats on being given the go ahead:applause2:
  5. carados

    carados Virgin Detailer

    nica xmt 3 is too harsh for most of my truck I think but hoping it is harsh enough for the minor scratches. my plan was to use it just to hit the scratches and i guess then it will be the pro polish

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