Do You Finish With a Rotary?

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by Handz, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    I know there are some people that Finish straight to LSP from rotary. I am just curious to how many people do this or how many of the users finish with a D/A.

    Once again just curious on what users use most often.
  2. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    I always finish with a rotary.
  3. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    i only have rotaries, so yes i do
  4. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    I do both.... just depends on my mood
  5. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    It depends on what I'm working on and how the paint reacts.
  6. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    I like both depending on the paint and product. Sometimes once you get moving on a couple sets you realize that one machine will end up being easier and faster than the other. Depends also on the type of polishing service I am doing..
  7. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    Depends on how the paint reacts.
  8. richy

    richy Guest

    unless I'm working on something with extremely soft paint, I do everything with rotary. It finishes off just fine. I haven't used my UDM in months.
  9. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Everything gets finished with a rotary.
  10. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Most of the time, what pad you you guys use for rotary finishing?

    Sorry for the noon questions, I am just curious to what others are doing.
  11. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Keep in mind these answers will be more so paint and product dependent.

    I use anything from green, white, blue/black.
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    All depends what I'm working on.
  13. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I mostly use a blue Lake County pad to finish with.
  14. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    I know that everything is paint dependent to determine the best tool for the job.

    I am just trying to get better at finishing with a rotary..... i have been currently finishing with blue but want to try finishing with Black pad on a rotary.
  15. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Depending on whos black pad you use it has a slight cut to it, you need to use a pad with no cut to it to final polish with.
  16. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    On a general detail, just your average joe looking for a 2 step correction, I will usually finish with a Blue Uber finishing pad, which is a finishing pad. That does not include jeweling the paint, for that you would use a no cut pad. I would not recommend going from a say, P203S/Polishing pad to a 85RD/Glaze(no cut) pad, since it may not be enough to cut out the holo's and haziness from the other combo.
  17. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I only use the rotary... have been finishing with 85rd or PF if it is in really bad shape... I do a lot of one steppers though... then it is SIP on Green and it finishes how it finishes....
  18. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Does 85Rrd or Ultrafine remove buffer marring with a black or blue pad?
  19. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    In my experience yes always..... but I don't usually get that much buffer marring as I use some softer pads...
  20. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    I mostly reaching for the rotary when finishing, and then I use either power-, super-, or final finish.

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