Hey Guys, My brother is his effort to help clean my car knocked over his full 16oz can of Red bull on the front passanger seat. I ran as quick as possible to soak it up with a microfiber towel, but the seat drank it up in seconds. The leather is pourous(G37) and I tried my best to blotch it out but with little avail. I then turned on the heat to full blast and the seat heater in hopes to help dry it out. I can see feel the area and its quite soft compared to the rest of the under foam so I am worried it is going to ruin the leather. I hope after it dries that some Rejuvenator oil will soften it back up. Any ideas? Anyone else ever spill so much into a seat before? I have spilled an ounce or two and it didnt hurt it, but never this much. Thanks
I would not be as concerned for the leather as I would be for the inners, foam, etc. Leather is a very sturdy material that can basically always be cleaned, dyed and restored. The foam, I would try and get to it and clean in as best as possible to ensure no mold forms. Depending on the seat and your skill, many have zippers in them for this reason. If you can, disconnect the battery, remove the seat from the car and see about taking it apart CAREFULLY [as they do have electronics and air bags inside] and try cleaning the foam, maybe if you could get to it and remove it, just soak the foam in plain water to remove the red bull then it will be much easier to remove the plain water. The leather should be able to be cleaned like normal, just a leather cleaner and whatever your normal routine is, maybe try and get a steamer for this job if you dont already have one.
Thanks for a few ideas, here is an update: I removed the seat and although I could not remove the leather cover I was able to find a way to flush out the foam. I soaked the seat foam from the bottom holding it upside down and then flipped it back over and sucked out the water with an extractor. It took 4 gallons of distilled water but I did get about 90% of the color and smell out. I dried it out all night and today and the leather looks pretty good minus some swell. I added some rejuvenator to it today and ill remove it tomorrow. I expect it to come back alot better then first expected. Thanks again