Is there any specific kind of pad available to polish Diamond plate Stainless steel for a flex?? At work, our ambulances have alot of diamond plate trim on them. I would try a PowerBall agian, but its pretty tough on the foam itsself. Plus I'm really sick of one of my co-workers. I wanna make this truck bling like no other truck in the system. If I knew it would pi$$ her off enough, I'd put a coat of SN on it. We run the same truck, but I'm switching trucks just so I can clean this other one up and run it just to bring a smile to her face on a daily basis (insert sarcasm here) Anyway. Thanks !! Heath
Fireman needs to polish Diamond Plate - Plating Powder Coating Buffing Anodizing - Caswell Inc. Metal Finishing Forum
You're to much. You have a lot of work in front of you before you can insert anything. Hurry up...:thumb:
Its on man. Its on!!! I'm on a mission bro!!! I hope they get the other truck stuck in a mud bog and have to get a wrecker to pull it out hehehe