
Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by anbuzero, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    last night going to a friends house i was hit from the side by some idiots who ran a red light at excessive speeds and since it was raining the impact sent my car sliding into a fence/post and their car was pinning me there. As the backed out i got out of my car to confront them (which was stupid on my part cause it was downtown paterson :duh:) they started driving away, i thought "oh they're moving the car so its not in the middle of the street" but then they just floored it and left. So the cops showed up filed the report, some witnesses said the car was a black or dark green intrepid, and one guy who didnt want to get involved with the cops said he knew the guys driving the car and they were some assholes who were probably high and drunk as hell. The cop added later that the car was most likely stolen as well so he helped me rip the pieces of my car that were hanging off and i somehow drove it home.

    There is horrible frame damage to the front passenger side by the hood. The impact was so hard(thank God it was raining) that the hood pushed the other side and the panel/ frame are bent as well. WARNING the pictures below will upset any car enthusiasts and most of you who as I am are OCD about their cars. To make matters worse I had just gotten my rear bumper back from the shop that morning, no OP, no buffer swirls and i had washed and waxed my car just before going out.

    Here are the pictures. Im am so upset about this, because as many of you know this is my baby. After my family and girlfriend this is what i love most. It was my first car given to me by my father, after many years of working with him. so in my mind i earned this car and that makes it that much more painful to see it in this condition. I know i sound crazy but thats just how I am with my vehicles.

  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Ouchie that's got to hurt, just looking at the pictures hurts.

    But glad you walked way from it unharmed, that's what matters, as much as I love vehicles at the end of the day I'd be more then willing to scarifies the vehicle to save my family's life.
  3. run115

    run115 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Feel for you....probabaly no words I say can make you feel any better but will reall ysorry for what happened to you.
  4. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    of course I am very thankful for that. It just that this was a bad time for this too happen. Ive had a major situation at home and i was just starting to come out of it and also just got my job back. bad timing and just something i didnt need on my plate

    thanks man
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    that realy sucks. at least you are ok. car can be fixed or replaced, ppl: not so much
    is the car done or its fixable? maybe carry the camera next time in car for this kinda things?
  6. Julian_B

    Julian_B Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Holy crap man!!!! Such a sad sight =( its never easy when that things like this happen. Occurred to me 5 years ago with one of my Audi's. But what i came to realize is that cars can be replaced, and that the fact that you were unharmed is a lot better than any car. Best of luck sir. Keep up with the police report and insurance.
  7. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    thanks man the car i looks fixable if its only that part of the frame thats damaged then they might be able to pull the frame and fix it. Not sure what i want. I prob wouldnt get shit if the car is totaled and i dont have any money at all to be able to make payments on a new one. so right now getting it fixed looks best for me. even though i know it wont ever drive the same

    thanks. picking up the report and filing with the insurance monday
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    You got lucky on that one. A couple feet back and they would have driven right through your passenger door. Glad you are ok though. Hopefully the insurance company will treat you fairly.
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    The bastards! I hope they get caught mate. Lesson for all of us, to write down the number plate of the vehicle before you even get out of the car!!!
  10. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    Glad you're okay!!! Didn't you just have something done to the car - repair,upgrade???
  11. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    man sorry about that . dont worry it can be fixed just keep that in mind.. thank god you were ok .
  12. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    thanks Ken. im very lucky that it was raining (never thought i would say that). if the ground would have been dry and my car had been up a little more, they would have plowed through the passenger side door

    Yeh i was stupid about not doing taking the plates down 1st. but like they said it was prob stolen and in that part of paterson (known to be one of the worst places in the country) its likely they'd never be found.

    thanks man, yeh i just had my rear bumper painted and i had painted my trunk lip spoiler. but thankfully those are intact. I just got off the phone with the insurance and they said they will guarantee the work if its done at one of their preferred shops and they will cover my aftermarket parts, including the hid bulb i just replaced lol and the aftermarket springs i have on the car. if i take it to my guy I may have them put the carbon fiber hood color matched to my car. I want to get something good out of all this lol

    thanks Tom. my only worry is will it be fixed right
  13. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i know a great body shop. (madison ave coach works) there the only ones i would let do any body work . there work is flawless. the owners name is mike .
  14. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    there min dumont by the way .
  15. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Ev ... hope you are doing ok. Glad it wasn't worst.
  16. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    If you have one of their approved body shops in town, go to them. I use USAA for my personal vehicles and have used their body shop several years back. After about four moonths, there was an issue and it was covered no questions.
  17. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    this kinda accidents on my forum usualy lead to upgrades (rear conversion or front. maybe get Evo front end with their HID headlights so you wouldnt have to use hid kit?
  18. AG74683

    AG74683 Virgin Detailer

    That sucks man. Sorry to hear this happened.
  19. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    +1!!!!! I expect after getting it back form the bodyshop, the before and afters willl look like this!!!???

  20. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    o yaaaa

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