I've always kept my detailing chemicals/waxes/etc inside. I've always read that cold/heat can affect the products usability, and I've seen this first hand with Poli-Seal that had the mineral spirits flash off since the last time I grabbed it (a year ago) and that was kept *INSIDE*. I'm running out of space for my chemicals, so I'm basically asking what do you think can sit in the garage and will endure extreme heat and an occasional freeze(these are not as likely). My thoughts: Car Wash Soaps (ONR excluded) would be about the only thing that I would think would be OK to safely store outside. Sealants and things like that - if something had a chance to flash off or evaporate over time would change how the sealant worked all together. That might also apply to stuff with cleaning detergents in them like APC's and specialized products.. though I'm not really sure. Granted, I know some of you probably keep *EVERYTHING* in the garage.. if that's the case have you ever seen anything go bad?
In my house I keep all my polishes, sealants and waxes, garage has all other chemicals, tools and pads ect
Everything's in my detached garage. So far, the only issues I've had is with Megs #16. For the rest, all is doing well!
Do you have the space to keep a compact fridge in the garage? That'd be the best way, I keep all my stuff indoors...... California summer isnt too bad this year (last year it was hitting over 100+ where I live, 80+ in my room) I keep a compact fridge in my room just in case it gets hot.
Fridge's in a garage are big consumers of electricity...I would check to see if any of these chemicals swell in the heat as to not have ex. Sonax Wheel Cleaner all over the walls :gross:.
I'm not even talking about heat expansion and product spillage, but that's another reason I keep them inside. In general liquid is going to expand when heated. I would imagine the starting viscosity would play a role as to whether it expands enough to seep. I'm just talking about products that get ruined by heat fluctuations. I think polishes and sealants are the ones you really gotta watch for, but I'm not 100% certain that's where the line ends.
Of all the products in my cabinet in the garage, CG Bare Bones seems to be very sensitive to temperature. It likes to expand and then leaks out the top.
waxes we store in the fridge. polishes are in our cabinets in the garage, and liquid containers on shelves. we don't have climate control at our garage, but there isn't many windows and the windows we do have don't get hit with sun for long periods out of the entire day. we don't want to invest in climate control at this shop, as we plan on moving to a better facility.