Detailing a NEW BMW????

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by CA-BMW, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. CA-BMW

    CA-BMW Virgin Detailer

    I have owned numerous black BMW's over the years and one thing is certain! The paint jobs from the factory are becoming substandard. I remember back to my 1998 BMW M3 - Cosmos Black. That paint job was sooooo deep! And completley FLAT! Not a hint of orange peel. My latest - a 2010 650ic is less than perfect. There is a significant amount of orange peel. I have yet to take on the infamous color or wet sanding - and quite frankly, don't want to start now.

    Does anyone have a process/ product list that they have used and would be willing to share to help resolve this?

    Thnak you,

    MR. CA-BMW

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