This 1995 Formula Red NSX came to us in search for a full paint corrective detail, the car was in fantastic shape for it's age and just needed to be refreshed as it had picked up a few deep defects over the years. One main concern being a deep gouging scratch down the passenger rear quarter panel as a result of someone's keys, unfortunately, the other defects being a burn on the front passenger fender from previous detailing and random surface scratches on the rear trunk lid. Touch up paint became the savior of the key marks and fender burn, while not completely eliminated, visually more appealing than a gaping scratch after wet sanding and finishing. We also looked to achieve as much gloss from this vibrant Formula Red as possible; we'll let you all be the judge through the pictures! Products used Meguiars 105 + wool pad Menzerna 203 + orange pad Menzerna 106fa + black pad CG CitrusWash CG Metal Wax CG wheel cleaner P21S TAW P21S paint cleanser Meguiar’s super degreaser (tires/wheels wells) Meguiar’s wheel brightener Wolfgang Fuzion wax Rejex Procedure and notes: Process: Vehicle was degreased with P21S TAW, washed with CG citrus wash. After all trim was taped off, did test panel and decided it needed wool pad to get rid of all defects. Whole car was done with wool pad and megs 105, followed with Menzerna 203 and orange pad and finished with Menzerna 106FA and black pad (not all panels were original paint, some got transfer and some didn’t). P21S Paint Cleanser was used to remove left over polishing oils and to enhance gloss. Denase paint sealant was applied and removed later on. Car was rinsed and applied Wolfgang Fuzion wax. Glass cleaned, interior wiped down and vacumed. Note: all pictures are original with no post processing involved (except for HDR pictures at the end). As car arrived Correction pictures First, wing was polished and removed to get access to full trunk area Underside of the wing was polished and sealed and left aside untill trunk was completed 5 Roof before/after Tail lights were polished with Megs 105 and wool pad and followed with Menzerna 203 and orange pad 10 Plastic window trim before/after 15 Hood 50/50 Doors 20 Door hangles Wheels were polished with megs 105 and menzerna 203 and 2” pad, then sealed with Rejex, tires were dressed with Optimum Opti-bond. 25 Before 30 After 35 Water beading after Wolfgang Fuzion wax application Reflection shots after polishing 40 45 50 55 60 65 Finished Photos Outside 70. 75. 80. HDR pictures (edited) Thanks for looking. feedback is welcome
Nice detail, the NSX in red, properly polished is always stunning. Really like the later photo with the sunset, good call.
wow!!! excellent job on those wheels NSX has aged so well.......until you sit inside if it weren't for the NSX, Ferraris, Lambos, Astons would still be unreliable, tempremental and fall apart last and the greatest - this and an original R34 GTR Z-Tune are on my ultimate garage list YouTube - 2002 Honda NSX Type-R Technology ouch! V10 M6 with launch control sequantial gearbox, electric traction and stability control, fat 19" rubber smacked down by a 10 year old naturally aspirated 3.0L V6 YouTube - Honda NSX-R vs BMW M3 '09