not sure where to post it. can denatured alcohol be used to remove wax or as paint cleanser after polishing? deluted of course guy at home depo said that he seen it being used in body shop to remove overspray
Denatured is NOT the same, much stronger in my experience. I've never used it on paint but it strips wax residue out of little yellow applicator pads like nobody's business. I'm afraid to use it on polishing pads because I'm pretty sure it will obliterate the glue that holds the velcro disc on. I use it to desolve glues and clean metal items it will also melt right through some plastics. I believe it only has something like 10% ethanol in it the rest is other chemicals. I do not use it on vehicle paint because I have no idea what it will do and I don't think it evaporates completely. Anyone use this on clear coat before?
how are you gonna quit smoking if you keep putting a cigarette in your mouth? Would "global warming tax" added to the cost of cigarettes help you?
with global warming tax cigarettes might cost $10 a pack...if that doesn't help, we'll make it $20...and BTW, smoking is a deadly sin...
HEY stay on topic damn it lol. so i guess not to use it on the car? gona have to pick up IPA untill we can figure out if it can be used or not. gona need it for todays car probably if it comes since we cant realy wash it
why in a hell would you wanna use denatured alcohol in a first place? I never heard of ANY detailer doing that...Please don't tell me because it's cheaper, IPA is already as cheap as it gets, heck it's cheaper then a bottle of Popov vodka...
Sometimes high purity IPA can be hard to find, I buy it locally here from a electronics retailer they use it for cleaning contacts and stuff.
dont know, seen it in home depo and got a bottle but havent used it yet, decided to ask before i do hmm, good suggestion, ill check radioshack or something
sorry to bring up an old post but denatured alcohol is ethanol using chemical reaction not from enzyme to break down sugar to alcohol. ethanol made from chemical technique is unsafe to drink and will be added chemical that would induced vomitting if consumed. i believe that isopropanol is a better alcohol to remove grease and oil than ethanol