definition of "full detail"

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by godoman, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    I see a lot of businesses list "full detail" with no description of what this entails

    Wanted to hear from all of u what u "feel" a full detail is

    I personally think that it is a wash and wax with carpet extraction of interior and leather conditioning if needed

    These r going for 150 to 180 for mid sized cars

  2. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    A thorough(not disassembly type thorough though) cleaning and conditioning of interior and exterior surfaces. Exterior with decon and some sort of paint prep(a simple as paint cleaning), though the interior flooring would have at least a spot treatment.
  3. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Generally, businesses use this term to simply say "we finish by waxing." There is a shop here in Montreal that lists their "full" detail which includes an "interior wash, exterior wash, simonizing, and wax" for $49.99. I doubt they take the time to extract carpets and polish paint. They probably just mean clean the outside, vacuum the inside and apply turtlewax. :\
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Exterior wash, decontamination and sealant/wax. Engine shampoo. Interior clean, shampoo all applicable areas and treat leather.
  5. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    I'm not a fan of the word "full detail". I feel as though the customer sometimes expects too much for the detail. A "full" detail may include a spot carpet shampoo, but not a full-blown steam cleaning. Then a customer could argue that you didn't do a FULL job.

    I have a few different packages on my website which include, basic interior, basic exterior, Economy, standard, and premium. Each package has a list of what is done underneath them so the customer can see which one best fits them.
  6. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    Well said dirtywerx

  7. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Always separate the interior from the exterior, in fact, the interior can take just as long if not longer then the exterior......... charge accordingly.

    Usually people who want a "full detail" want alot for very little and it sounds like they are getting a deal, but in reality the detailer is getting the short end of the stick IMO. that is why I recommend separate packages, or even a la' carte the jobs. Leather cleaning, carpet cleaning vacuuming, extracting etc. that way you can customize the package to the client without wasting your time, I have had a few people that just want the carpets cleaned and not anything else, so why would you package everything and end up doing extra work you don't need too..... (hope that makes sense)

    Case in point, I turned down a job last month, some one who has a dog just wanted me to clean the interior, it was going to take me at least 4-5 hours to do it right, I quoted her based on an hourly rate, she got mad, said how can you charge me an hourly rate when I can get a "full detail at XXX carwash for less". Simple minded people are conditioned by high volume car washes where price versus quality price always wins.........

    I put into terms should could understand, it will take me 4-5 hours, what makes my time worth less then my lawyers? I have degree, I went to college, and I have my own company, so what is the difference...... her response was "you clean cars, you are not a lawyer" I laughed, pretty hard,since I majored in business law, and spent 10 years of my life working in a law firm......Anyway, that is the mentality of what many of us are up against. I told her I do this for fun, and that cleaning her car is not my idea of fun and I would have to pass, she was pretty upset, but oh well.

    By hiding particulars in a "full detail package" its very confusing for the customer and ultimately you are on the loosing end, i know $15.00 is not alot of money, but if you could find a way to squeeze another $15.00 out of every client, would you do it?
  8. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    I also can't stand certain customers that want to do an a la carte package.

    Some people ask if they can just get a wash, polish, and wax and that they don't need a clay bar because THEY did that 4 months ago...

    Well, then I argue that the paint must be clay barred if they want the polish and that I will have to charge for it. Then they get mad. They don't understand that; 1. I doubt they did a very good job of clay barring, 2. The paint is still contaminated, 3. It's absolutely necessary!....

    Some people don't realize that 95% of the finished product comes down to how well the paint was prepped.
  9. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    exactly......a la carte can be a pain in the ass too, you will always have the housewife that trashes her car and thinks "someone" will clean up her mess.

    I keep everything simple, and every thing I do has a "starting at" price.

    I wont polish a car without clay baring, that is sold as is in a package that I do that is one step just to do a light polishing.

    I don't a la carte myself to death either, I should have been more clear. When I stated that, I meant I kept interior work and exterior separate and they can choose to do either or. Most of my clients actually keep the insides of their cars very clean, with exception and those folks usually will get charged accordingly. I think what is great is where I live, 90% of the people are used to the car wash details, or the mobile guys who do a quick wash etc while they are work, there are so few places that view detailing in Fresno like many of us do. Many of my clients know I am an OCD, and are all word of mouth by other clients so they know what to expect, the people I have issues with are those who see me working and walk up and start asking........ I have never argued over price with a referral. and the walk ups I always quote real high on purpose.
  10. Grizzman

    Grizzman Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have only met a few people who even had as much of a clue of what a "full detail" is.

    Half the general population would define a full detail as an ONR wash , a spray wax, vacumm, & APC wipedown. Done in 3 hours.

    Makes this biz even harder to succeed in.
  11. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    I think Half is generous.... I would say 15%, most people done even know what ONR is, let alone APC because the car wash does not even know.

    Lets be realistic, the general populations thinks this:

    One step cut and polish with a wool pad, no clay because the car wash does not do that, tunnel wash AFTER the car is cut and polished since they seem to think cut and polishing removes any/ everything; and they don't have time to wash the car twice.
    Slap some spray wax or cheap watered down P&S crap and more armour all on the tires then oil spilled in the gulf. and they will vacuum and shampoo your carpets for extra, Seriously, that is what it is. Ever ask someone who does a 150.00 detail, how long it takes them? I bet under 3 hours....4 tops.

    My friend owns a high volume tunnel wash easy 150 cars a day and that is on a weekday morning, he employs over 60 people; the a fore mentioned detail scenario and that is what they sell, and that is what people ask for. He does a full detail on ESV Escalades for $150.00 and puts 3 guys who make min. wage on it, and they bust it out in 3-4 hours and move on. And these people are ecstatic with it, and could care less about burned paint and buffer trails, because it was cheap, and it is shiny. The other reason why is because the other car washes in Fresno charge the same thing. The more people you hire, the faster they can knock a car out, thus brings down the price and raises the volume which you can operate. It has really handi capped the detailer who does it right, its basically the Walmart effect, bigger faster and cheaper. Price will over rule quality..........

    It has become almost a joke that the consumer now dictates the price for detailing with a few exceptions, its to be bargained like everything else. Pull that crap at a body shop, or a with a custom home builder or your doctor and they will laugh their ass ooff at you and tell you to GTFO.
  12. WashingJosh

    WashingJosh Jedi Nuba

    Well said.
  13. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Its funny that you should mention that the "consumer now dictates the price".

    A couple months ago, a woman emailed me through my website if I would honor a "groupon" deal and she sent me the link.

    First off, I run my business on the side... I dont even have coupons! Sure, I run a special for the local Subaru car club here in St. louis, but this is just some random lady.

    Second, the coupon was for a "$90-Full" detail at some random speedy-auto-wash type place that i have never even heard of...

    Best Part???


    I emailed her back saying that I would not honor the groupon discount and my price would be $150 for an equivalent service. HOWEVER, i use much better products and techniques that would look 100x's better if I detailed her car. And, If she wasn't 100% satisfied, then I would honor the discount... never heard back.
  14. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Groupon is a joke......... especially for the business, people will try to get leverage these days anyway they can to get a "deal" of course look at retail, the prices are so over inflated its hard to know the real price anymore on anything, so many sales. Look at HP and their tablet, people came out of the woodwork for a product that is way overpriced. Now HP is making a second run of the product, so is it really worth 400.00? Just because the Ipad is, does not mean your product should be, and vice versa.
  15. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    Sorry for late reply, had to sleep

    In my area all the shops have a lower special that they run for 99.99 which is washband wax with light interior wipe down. And a faculty

    The full detail is listed as 50 to 80 dollars more so I automatically assume it is a complete shampoo of interior and leather treatment

    I am going to be a one man show with maybe 1 or 2 workers and my goal is 500 dollars a day without breaking my back. I am goaling for 5 cars a day that want wash and wax with vacum and light wipe down

  16. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Reading all this makes me want to cry. I've been doing this for almost 20 years ( yes, I'm THAT old ) and I'm so tired of people asking us to work for free because what we do isn't considered a real job. I have four packages on my list of services. If what you want doesn't fall within one of those packages, it's by the hour. Period.
  17. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    I know

    People will pay 30 bucks to go through a machine wash and wax that does nothing and rbtruely getting ripped off and think because of those places we r over charging

    I will have lower prices than anyone in my area but am not looking forward to the female customers wanting to pay nothing for cleaning up their messy interiors and complain all day and night about pricing

    This is just something to get past to be successful

  18. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    I stopped doing wash and waxes with a few maintenance contract exceptions. I will not even touch a car unless we have prepped it within the last 4-6 months. I do this only because as mentioned its a serious uphill battle and the price of my wash and wax while its going to be better than 99 percent of "full details" is difficult to do on a car that sees NOTHING for 20K miles or a full year. Not a chance I will touch that without any paint prep and put my name on it... no way.

    I had a lady call me up and tell me I was gouging her because I wouldn't do a full detail for 85 dollars on her kid carrying minivan that hasnt seen any detailing in the past 2 years..

    After around 10 minutes of complaining and myself being completely polite, listening and repeating back what she shared...

    - Ma'am we typically don't do minivans and children/livery haulers.
    "Oh so you think your services are too good"
    - No they are not, if you want it done right, we will do it for our prices after inspection. I am saying the style of our services typically appeal to collectors and enthusiasts
    "Unbelievable, and I was hoping to have someone out a couple times a year..but not any more I can't believe this." (right thats why it takes you 2 years to do anything)
    - Ma'am what would you like me to do? What would make you happy?
    "I want this, this this this and this for this price, I feel like youre gouging."
    - No.

    She hangs up.

    I will admit its very strange to me that certain crowds in the detailing community will slang Groupon and Living Social(which I do not believe are a positive thing for the resto guys) but will be very quick to complain about shipping charges passed down, and will only support vendors when a sale is in effect or will wait for that bottom dollar price on an already great product with a great price.. It seems like its a little different when its your time and money...
  19. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    This is a great point and one brought up when I took a night class for detailing years ago

    If u want to make money in this business and not burn out u need to not set ur prices too low or u will bring in the wrong. Customers that only shop at the dollar store, that want something for nothing, that do not truely understand what goes into washing and waxing and polishing a car or what really goes into carpet extraction. These r the customers that don't wash their car for a year or 2 and then want u or somebody to jump in and make it look brand new as well as remove a the smells and milk stains for nothing and then give u attitude when it costs over $100 dollars and the dealerships charge $300

    I was told to charge the full price and let themfind someone else and not offer a discount because they will tell all their friends and they will want a discount and will be pissed if they don't get one. I plan on only doing wash and waxes, some clay baying and minor paint scratch removal as well as interior work that includes carpet extraction. After that the shop will be closed on the weekends where I will do one or two major restorations as a hobby

  20. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Id rather let a vulture walk then deal with the BS honestly.........people shopping on price only have no real clue what we do, but they have outlandish expectations.

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