Deep Gloss Auto Salon: Accord Coupe in Black Pearl

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Deep Gloss Auto Salon, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon
    6 Speed Honda Accord Coupe in Night Hawk Black Pearl

    This is one of my favorite colors to detail.. First of all it is black which in my opinion is the most rewarding color to detail add to that the blue flake which makes the transformation even more rewarding. If the customer purchased the car used and swirled and is not knowledgeable about the color, chances are they will think it is just an average black.

    Ok, on with the show…

    The vehicle was washed prior to my beginning the detail so none of my signature foaming…lol

    This was the vehicle before I touched it… doesn’t look to bad when not in the sun right…

    Note that it does appear to be a straight black vehicle - no blue shining through.

    First up was claying….. Gray clay with Optimum No Rinse as the clay lube. Below are pics. Each one of the pictures is after only one panel. As you can see, there was a substantial amount of bonded contaminants


    Here are some before pictures of various panels that display the condition of the paint work. As you will see, the condition of the clear coat throughout all panels left much to be desired.


    As you can see, the clear coat was riddled with swirls, marring and scratches. This car had been re sprayed on some panels as was evident by the paint tape line in the inner door well. As we have all witnessed, the body shop sealed in the existing damage to the paint when they resprayed. (tsk, tsk). Luckily they only resprayed one side of the vehicle.

    As you saw above, no fancy photography was needed to display the inclusions. Using all sources of lighting (Halogen, LED, Xenon, Sun Light and flash from the camera) all show the damage.

    The paint was corrected using

    3m Wool
    Edge Wool
    Schlegle Wool
    LC CCS Green/White/Red pads in 6.5” / 5.5 “/ 4”
    Sonus SFX pads in White / Blue

    Meguiars M105 Ultra Cut Compund
    Menzerna Intesive Polish
    Menzerna 85 rd
    Prep Sol to wipe down to ensure true correction


    Some before and after pics of the same panels:​

    Using LED lighting you can see the never ending amount of inclusions

    Same Panel, same lighting after correction (yep, that's a RID - no wet sanding today) ​


    Using Halogens – swirl city​


    Same swirls up a little closer​


    Same panel after correction:​


    And last but not least, the all showing light from the gods







    After – Not in same light but the sunlight will just have to do ;-)​




    After: (Got Flake??)​


    Below are some pictures after correction… the paint is wearing 1z Einzett Glanz Wax that was left to haze and then removed and given a final wipe down with Duragloss Aqua Wax. As usual the tires saw Surf City Tire Pro.​


    Thanks for looking!​
  2. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Great job Jason, enjoyed the pics also, can't forget about the write up either-well done.
  3. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks man!!!
  4. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Your right about not bein able to see the flake in the befores. Sure pops after when corrected. Nice work :thumb:
  5. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Great job! Those were pretty bad swirls. Love the 50/50's.
  6. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Duratys!
    Thanks Doc!
  7. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Great job there jason, wow that car had some serious swirls in the paint!!! Again great job and also very good write up also. :worship2:
  8. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    Very nice job!! It's good to see there are Honda owners that are willing to pay.
  9. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Hehe, well I don't have to pay! Oh and I have an Acura but we all know it's pretty much a Honda.

    Great work there Jason! I may not have the Nighthawk Black Pearl but I do have the Flamenco Black Pearl which seems to be pretty much the same color, hehe.
  10. virtual

    virtual DB Pro Supporter

    Nice work and writeup, love the color! :)
  11. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Great job, two thumbs up!
  12. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Smith... Yeah, It had some pretty bad damage to the clear...Lucky for the owner *had* is the key word:afro:

    Thanks Scottie... Some honda owners love their vehicles (me included)

    Thanks Denzil

    Thanks Virtual... You and me both... out of the light ot looks black.. in the light (when corrected) the blue really shows!

    Thanks SC'd!!!!

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