CWC or Optimum Car wash

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by wagonproject, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. wagonproject

    wagonproject Jedi Nuba

    I need to order a few gallons of car wash tomorrow morning for regular maintenance washes. I know there's a ton of threads on car washes, but I was wondering if anyone has used both and which one they liked more or not really a notable difference? The few bucks difference doesn't really matter. Thanks!
  2. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    if your going to order a few gallons, why not get one of each? :thumb:
  3. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    I got the CWC, it's a fabulous car wash and foams like mad, super slippery and smells great too. You can dilute it for either a maintanence wash or use it as a paintwork cleanser to remove built up grime or old wax.
  4. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    i have and use both relatively regularly lately. for maintenance washes and not stripping off protection, i would go with optimum wash all the way. its super slick, and smells just great. i love using it.
  5. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Optimum Car Wash is very nice. This is what I use as a maintenance wash. I also have CWC and use it for LSP stripping/pre-cleaner type applications.
  6. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    Am I using too much CWC when doing paintwork cleansing at 10oz per 5 gallon?
  7. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    Pretty sure thats too much. Forgot what the recommended ratio was.
  8. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    The ratio was 2oz per gallon, so thats 10oz, but to me that felt like WAY too much
  9. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I recently bought CWC and I love it ... I'm sure that the oz. ratio for LSP stripping is 2oz per gallon, so 10oz for a 5 gallon bucket is correct.

    My next purchase is either going to be the Valugard AB or the Optimum Car Wash even though I know they serve different purposes.
  10. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    i thought i was doing something wrong when i poured 10oz into a measuring cup before putting it into a 5 gallon bucket, felt like over kill since the normal maintinance wash requires only 1/2oz per 2 gallons.

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