
Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by 02blackout, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    UPDATE #2 - Post #23


    I've been here for almost a month. I thought I'd take some pics here around campus and of how I detail my car. It has been garaged pretty much its whole life but now it sits outside all the time. It gets hammered by the sun, humidity, and constant rain. It sucks! I found a good place to use ONR. Its really come in handy. You'll see some pics later on in the post.

    Before I start....the day before I left my client with the GT-R called for a wax top up/maintenance wash. Heres pics of beading after a month. Powerlock + Insignis. He washes it about once a month :waiting:





    On the way




    Here are just a few pics of my living area. These are the nicest resident halls on campus, next to the one that was completed a day before move-in.









    On to the detailing aspect of my post. I dont get to do too much to my car. Just ONR, QD, and PB Bold N Bright. It's enough to turn heads. Car is wearing Powerlock + 2x Insignis

    Measuring out 2oz of ONR so I dont have to bring to whole bottle to the wash.

    Everything I bring to the wash

    Leaving dorm to go to my car


    At my car/Before pics. I get in about one ONR wash every week to 1.5weeks






    Now I'm at this janky-ass car wash. Hahaha

    I use the rinse option just to get water into the buckets and to spray the wheel wells


    Grime Reaper 5:1

    I didn't bring my tripod to school so sorry for lack of pics

    TBM. Uber sponge. Cobra guzzlers + CG QD. SV brush on wheels. PB Bold N Bright on tires.



    Heres a vid of me going back onto campus. I love driving this part. Notice the beautiful scenery.
    YouTube - P1020400
    I brought Insignis and Ezyme here just so I could smell them and keep an eye on em :shrug:


    I also just did frat rush and pledged with Alpha Tau Omega, ATO. I will post pics of it and just anything else I find forum worthy. Hope you guys enjoyed!
  2. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Car looks great! I know every speck of dirt/dust shows up on black, but it truthfully looks past my comfort zone of how dirty it is for an ONR wash.

    School looks really nice. My brother just got shipped off to Texas Tech. His Freshman year. I've got 14 years on him in age and I don't envy him at all.
  3. Glad you have gotten settled into school Blackout. I guess its just me now representing the Big M -Town :gasp: Be very carefull using the DIY wash. Lots of ppl have been murdered in simular places. Keep your head on a swivel. Don't go there at night :cig:
  4. Rcrew

    Rcrew Wax on..Wax off

    Car does look great, and holy cow those dorms look amazing.
    Kudos to you for maintaining it so well in less than ideal conditions.:applause2:
  5. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    wow...nice school area. Do you share your room with others?
  6. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah my car gets pretty dirty and I'm scared to use ONR but I really stress the two bucket method. Yes, my car has light swirls but thats just life haha

    I didn't know you were from there. Hold it down for me!
    I didn't think about saying it but I keep a knife in on my pant waste. It is a little creepy being pinned back there and, well, fishy looking people coming and going there.

    Thank you thank you! I'm on detailing withdrawal here so I have to. Also gotta keep my car clean for the ladiezzzz

    Yes, I have a bud from highschool. I forgot to take pics of my room. I'm stupid! I'll post some up in my next update. But I have private bath, tile, carpet, cable, wireless/ethernet, 3 TVs, etc etc. Little spoiled but go big or go home!
  7. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Ahh college. A great experience. thanks for sharing the pics. The accomodations were ALOT different 23 years ago.
    Dont forget to chain the Insignis to something unmovable. There is prolly someone there with sticky fingers who knows what that is...

    Joe D
  8. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    your roommate has his own bath too?
  9. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Thats awesome, beautiful looking campus and your dorms look like hotel rooms!

    BTW Armani code, good stuff ! lol
  10. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Campus looks top notch man. When one thinks about school you really never think or imagine it to be that upscale but it looks sweet! We had a spot like that car wash here and it got renovated a little. I have never personally used it but you can make due with it as you did and just use your own stuff.

    So, no more detailing clients vehicles for you? Are you out of the game? Nice video and photos. Glad everything is alright.

    If you don't mind me asking what classes are you taking?
  11. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Awesome post. Looks like a fantastic dorm, but you kids will trash it in no time. Nice work keeping the Mustang spotless, make sure you find yourself a nice spot so you won't get too many dings/scratches...
  12. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah watch out for those mass parking lots they can be a never ending sinkhole of poor driver calamity. When I was at the University of Maryland I witnessed 4 hit and runs and countless damage done to friend's cars. This helped me justify paying $75 a month for parking in a garage where I had my own spot between to support beams....amazing.
  13. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    It's already a great experience. Endless parties, chicks, and friends. Lol, my parents keep on saying how good I have it and that I better do good, as I guess they didn't have stuff as nice as I do when they were in college.

    This is probably the only Insignis in Mississippi! Friends have asked what Ezyme and Insignis were and I told them....but you cant trust anyone with these babies just sitting around.

    Lol noooo. This is the bathroom:

    Thank you thank you! Yeah Armani Code is good but I've digressed to Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue :p

    On my website (and toldmy clients) I stated that I will go back in town for a detail worth at least $125. It's like a 2 hour drive/$50 in gas. I have a 2011 Audi Q5, new 911 turbo, Ferrari, and an MR2 scheduled for my break in Decemeber. So hell no I'm not out of the game!

    Basic freshmen classes. College Algebra, Psychology, Gov, English Comp 1, Earth Geology or somehting liek that

    Thank you! The first day I got here I went around trying to scout out a decent place for a wash. I like this one cause its secluded and I'm not under any pressure, so I can take my time. Yeah if a spot is close then I'll take it. Otherwise I park in the overflow parking lot behind the normal one and take up two spots. I take up two everywhere I go. But some people here just have NO idea how to park. It's crazy

    Lucky. Now I wish I had that. And I thought I had everything I could possibly need!
  14. Yep, trying to escape though :tiptoe: I've just about had all the fun I can take from are leaders :shakehead:

    The place looks very shady. I would reccomend going in the early morning hours if at all possible. Those shifty looking DIY washes are notorious havens for drug dealers/addicts. Like I said before, keep your head on a swivel :paranoia:

    Poor kid will be sleeping in his car after reading this post :giggle:
  15. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    Where I went to college we had a parking garage, I ALWAYS parked there. Keeps the sun and weather out, plus if you get to the second to last floor it was empty (except for during class hours) which meant you could park next to the space where they have the hash marks.

    on edit: be careful at those coin op car washes sometimes the management isnt cool with bucket washing, so just make sure you dont get into trouble there.

    other wise enjoy the next 4 yrs honestly that is the best time in life ;)
  16. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Hmmm. They just tore down a whole residence hall right near me. I'll tell them to build a parking garage.

    Yeah there are no signs anywhere prohibiting bucket washing. All the other I went to did.

    Thank you sir. Between my frat and game, its going to be a blast
  17. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Have fun man its the best time of your life. I graduated last year now I work for corporate America and while I like the paychecks rolling in and love working, I still miss college. Here it is past 7:00 PM and I am still at the you get my drift.
  18. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Nice pics. My dad lives in Starkville near the campus. That area is pretty flat except for the elevated US82.
  19. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I graduated in 2002 and worked for corporate America until January of this year. Couldn't stand it any longer. I work for a startup now. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
  20. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    I did the corporate america thing for 5 thanks, now i work for the family run business, its nice knowing the people i'm making rich

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