I am in the market for a PTG, but do not want to spend alot of money. After doing some researching, these seem somewhat popular on ebay. Has anyone had any experience with one of these or have an opinion on them (the one listed below) Digital paint coating thickness gauge meter CM-8822 - eBay (item 230249925706 end time May-15-08 06:48:27 PDT) Thanks Steven
steven .. its probably going to be hard to get an answer.. most people here use defelsko.. damn ballers here.. if that one works, im jumping on it... dont have 4k to spend on paint gauge..hopefully we have someone here whove heard of it..
I did a ton of research on these things and even had Nica helping me. Not a lot of info to turn up on them which really concerned me. Did find out that they are manufactured and sold out of China. Couldn't find anything to say that they are reliable. I searched for hours and like I said could turn up very little. If you look around on Ebay you will see a ton of folks selling these things and none of them are associated with a paint or detailing related business. I got really leary of this and just bit the bullet and bought a very reliable DFT combo from Phil at DD. From all the research I did it seems that Defelsko or Elcometer are the two that pretty much set the standard in Paint gauges.
Ya... If I had the money to spend on a defelsko, I wouldn't even think twice. But, thats the problem, I don't have that type of money to spend on a PTG right now. Detailing is more of a hobby for me, and I only do a few cars a month. I am also looking at the harbor freight thickness gauge.
im going to see how my mobile detailing goes this summer.. i have to make sure that the money i spent on detailing evens out with what i bought and then i can probably afford PTG... i can just wish for now..
Yes I agree with Wolf, we couldn't find that much information about these gauges and like Wolf says they sell them quite frequently on ebay but like Wold I wasen't able to find any feed back or review of these gauges and beleave me I looked...but I'm human I could have missed something, but one thing I learned is that you get what you pay for. Yes, the gauges are expensive, but to be honest I wont detail with out them. Now just remember anything in this earth can be reached/achived/obtained it comes down to how bad you want it and what your willing to sacrafize for it...sorry don't mean to preach here reach: just how I was reaised that's all that and you get what you pay for.
Unless you are going to spend the money for a Defelsko, this is probably your best bet. Paint Meter, Paint Gauge, Paint Gage - HighLineMeter.com I spoke to Elcometer and verified that "Elcometer supports the High-Line Meter with the warranty and customer service."