Chromed plastic grille

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by StiCy, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. StiCy

    StiCy Birth of a Detailer

    What is the best way to clean a chromed plastic grill? I always get water spots even after drying.
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead:Try using Vinager, let it soak ang agitate.

    Chemical guys has a good water spot remover.:applause2:

    Good Luck...:chips:
  3. richy

    richy Guest

    ONR is good just dry it right away. If the spots are there, DG 501 will remove them no problem. Be cautious using anything more abrasive than that or it will scratch.
  4. razr007

    razr007 Banned

    Chemical guys water spot remover works great.
  5. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I get them on my wife's BMW. I think the best way to handle it is to assist drying using a leaf blower.
  6. yukon cornelius

    yukon cornelius Birth of a Detailer

    So you shouldn't use autosol or the like on plastic chrome parts?
  7. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Use a quic detailer to start, you would be surprised what they can take off
  8. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    +1 on DG 501.
  9. StiCy

    StiCy Birth of a Detailer

    Is Napa still carrying Duragloss?
  10. richy

    richy Guest

    I would suggest buying your DG products straight from DG. They have a flat $5 shipping regardless of the size of the order and the big thing is the stock is fresh.
  11. StiCy

    StiCy Birth of a Detailer

    So, I tried some Megs QD and didn't do much good.

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