I'm putting together a shopping cart, and planning on stopping by CG tomorrow to pick up some products to help build a good detailing set. I plan on complimenting it with my AG order that I'll be placing soon (hopefully). So far, the AG order contains the following: ONR DG Aquawax DG 105 DG 601 maybe some more 4" pads This is what I'm hoping to pick up from CG: CG Bucket combo (grit guard, bucket with screw cap, mf mitt, 16 oz CWG) Some sort of dressing for dash, trim, engine, etc (VRP???) MF towels for ONR drying (so far everyone says to get yellow/black or blue silk edged) APC?? Which one is best for all around duty? Kiss off is cheapest...Green is double the price but dilutes 15:1.. Maybe the scratch and swirl b-gone? I've read decent reviews on this board...will this work with UDM? Looking for a med. cut polish that will break down easily with UDM Anything else that I should get for just a beginner's detailing kit? I already have a UDM, OC and OP (which...doesnt work well with UDM...), KAIO and KSG (running low...maybe getting Collinite 845 to replace at local Harbor Freight), Lexol conditioner/cleaner, s100 paste wax, various cheapo tire dressings. I'll also stop by costco and grab the huge pack of MF towels for general cleaning. I can't really think of anything else I'd really need, keeping in mind I'm still really new to detailing and I'll only be maintaining about 5-8 cars (friends and family). THanks!
You can buy the Duragloss directly from Duragloss, guaranteed fresh and only $4.95 shipping regardless of how much you buy!
I was about to, but then I realized I could use it to pad my order with AG to get free shipping. I was going to get ONR from one of the other smaller online sites, but free shipping really seals the deal at AG. Plus no tax for an AG order too...(exceldetail is unfortunately in CA)
Use the discount code "autopia" at autogeek for a 10% discount, this should give you savings equal to free shipping for whatever items you get, allowing you to get Duragloss directly.
IME using "AGO" gets me a better deal the 10% is always less than my shipping. But then again I live in CA.....