This gentleman got my name from someone who had a car I previously did a paint correction on. The hood, one fender, and the bumper were in okay shape paint wise since the dealership had fixed something before this guy bought it. But the rest of the truck was super chalky with NO clarity at all. This was exterior only. I'll let the pics do the telling of the story but I was happy with the outcome and believe the owner was as well! Had about 20 hours in it spread out over a few days. Foam Wash Clay bar Dried Masked Griot's DA 6" with Uber yellow/green pads Menzerna FG400 Menzerna Powerlock Doesn't look at bad in these pre-wash pics but it will be apparent once under the lights. Suds for days Clayed, masked, and ready to go under.... Condition of the hood and one fender.... Condition of everything else...... Under way! The roof difference was pretty dramatic! All finished at zero four hundred. Waiting for the sun to come up. Three hours of sleep later... Delivered. Thanks for viewing!