So I finally got around to trying a 16oz sample of One I bought from Fiminus. The FX was pretty dirty and maybe it was my paranoia around using the product, but I ended up using 8oz on the car. That had to be waay to much. How much should I have used? I soaked 2 mf's that I used to apply it with. What have your experiences with it been? I was delighted with the end result by the way..even on the very dirty bottom trim,,,it rocked!! Sorry, no pics this time.:spank:
I've used it several times and on my cars I tend to use 2-4 oz. I don't spray the MF I just spray very liberally on each panel and wipe in one direction. I do use a lot of MFs though. I too have been very pleased with the results.
I too sprayed directly onto the panel. how dirty a car would 4oz do? I figured I probably used about 2x's as much as I should have.
Winter has been very easy on us here in NC so I had just normal everyday road dust/dirt and grime that would build up in about a week. I used it on my mother in law's car at Christmas and it had been 2 weeks since I had conventional washed it and that car sits outside 24/7.
I am thinking about stopping by, but I have a pretty limited time here in SoCal...and traffic is HORRIBLE near LA, so I don't know if I will be able to order it from Paul. Does anyone know of Paul is willing to ship to Canada if I call him up? How long does shipping take from Inglewood to Garden Grove....? sry for thread jacking
4 oz seems to be a lot. I have never used this product and probably never will but when I use PB S&W, I probably use 1 -2 oz tops. Of course you'll want to use more product the dirtier the vehicle is. Once you get comfortable using a waterless product you'll get brave and try using less and less, or try and use as little as possible on a beater car or one you're going to polish to see when marring occurs. Also doesn't One have clay in it, what is that supposed to do? I also heard at one point in time it had fillers, so if you are infact inducing marring you wouldn't know it?
Go at the right times and it should be okay. As long as you start heading back before 2PM it should be fine. Its not that far from you at all! Should be aroudn 30 miles @ 80mph!
You're right Dan..I couldn't remember and just assumed it was Fnimus b/c it was a cg product. I have only ever bought stuff from you or him. btw..thanks for very effective packaging.
I too just recently tried it. Out of all of the spray on type of waterless washes this ONE is my favorite (pun intended). :rollinglaugh: It has a great smell and seemed to work well at lubricating and preventing scratches. I did not do my entire car so I cannot say how much but am guessing about 4oz to 6oz per vehicle. I still think that the QEW with two buckets (one rinse and one with QEW) and a ss mitt is a safer method especially if your car is real dirty. For light dirt I prefer the ONE method. That said I also think it worked good as a QD and has great filling qualities. I highly recommend it providing you use common sense when using it.
I asked this on the Lexus thread, but what is QEW? Sorry for the ignorant question but I don't now those initials or perhaps product to
Hey Nica, QEW is a rinseless wash like ONR.. In fact Scottwax used QEW for quite a while before converting to ONR
No problem. Sorry about the label. I had it in a bag with some soap and the soap leaked. The label came off as I was rinsing off the bottle of ONE.
Protect All Quick Easy Wash. Yes, as the above posters indicated it works similar to ONR which I also tried and did not like as much as QEW. ONR did not seem to have the cleaning ability or lubricity of QEW. ONR also turned a brown or yellowish color after a short period of time.