up to 3 months! , depend on the surface, on tires it will be round 1 month yes it will its already sold, Phil gets few samples
sweet. anket if you hear anything about when and who will be getting this here in the US, please LMK.
"Great apple flavor smell" I'm not falling for that sh*t again. The IronX bottle says " with new squash flower smell" So I figured it wasn't as bad as the little samples......I almost threw up LOL. If thats what a squash flower smells like, I will never plant any of those around my yard. LOL This looks promising, hope it works as stated. Looking forward to it.
To be honest.. I think it's funny that people keep pointing at the smell of Iron X. Come on, it's for removing iron particles. Yes, it does smell funny - but, it does the job without the need of harsh acids. Is it an american thing? Kind regards, Ebbe
I think Phil said PERL will be availible next week? I hope so because i'm waiting to place a PERL order.