Carpet Extractor Solution?

Discussion in 'Interior Car Care' started by DetailnDude, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I just got my Mytee hp60 Spyder Extractor. I read through the owners manual for the most part. Tomorrow will be my first time using it. My question for those of you that have or use extractors. I was reading that is says clean out your solution tank every 20 hours. I am thinking that I don't want to even put solution in the machine I would rather use the solution in a spray bottle and then follow it up with the extractor. will that work ok? or does anyone do it that way? any additional help,tips or tricks with this machine would be genuinly appriciated !

    Here are the steps I would take if it's ok to not actually put solution in the machine..

    1. interior vacuum
    2. Cyclo with soft/medium brushes to break loose dirt. (not on headliner)
    3. Re-vac interior. repeat steps as needed.
    4. spot removal
    5. spray extractor solution 1 area at a time
    6. hot water extract

  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    You are exactly right. Never put solution into the machine. Its impossible to get upholstery clean if you are using water with shampoo in it. Spray the upholstery with your shampoo as you mentioned and use the extractor to extract. Sometimes if the seats are dirty, I'll spray them down with the shampoo and then wet them down a little with the extractor and give them a good scrub with an upholstery brush.Let sit for a minute and have at'er. To get the most moisture out of the carpet/seats you need to do TWO dry passes for every wet pass. Also, a little trick I like to do to help the water heat up. Use a piece of velcro to hold the trigger open so water flows. Situate the nozzle so it is spraying back into the solution tank. If you let the machine cycle the water, it will heat all the water in the tank and the water coming out of the nozzle will be flippin' hot! It takes about 15 mins. You don't need the vacuum on, just the pump switch.
  3. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    1. Use the hottest water available it also helps to pre-spray the carpet with hot water when hand cleaning carpets / mats
    2. Run a 2:1 solution distilled water / distilled white vinegar thru the extractor either weekly, or after every ten fresh fills. Vinegar, contains Acetic acid, an organic carboxylic that will help eliminate scale, mild mineral deposits etc. from clogging your extractor.
    3. Rug Renew from top of the line can revive stained or dirty fabric’s, you can use its super-concentrated formula diluted 5:1 with Distilled water as a spot remover, or dilute 20:1 in your extractor. Top of the Line Auto Detailing Supplies
    4. Folex Instant Carpet Spot Remover - Folex Instant Carpet Spot Remover removes spots and stains
    5. Odour removal- add 4 ounces Door Terminator to each gallon of extractor solution. Clean interior glass after use to prevent spotting. (Automotive International - Valugard Product Line)

    See also "Carpet Cleaning" in the detailing School section
  4. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Hey Thanks !
    I am glad to hear that is the way to do it ! It just made sense to me ! I will also use the water heating trick . That sounds slick as well ! Well off to worky I go !
    Thanks again !
  5. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks for the info !
    The vinegar trick sounds great , I will also do that ! This is my first carpet extractor and you guys know what these things cost so I do sincerely appriciate the help ! If you guys or anyone else knows of something I should know I am always open for suggetions and great Ideas !
  6. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    They make chemicals which are meant to be put into the extractor to aide in removing the shampoo you sprayed on the carpet. Heres an example, Prochem - All Fiber Rinse -
  7. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    After you finish shampooing, suck all the water out of the solution tank. The extra water will help rinse out the dirty water holding tank. ALWAYS rinse out the dirty water holding tank after each use. There is no smell like the smell of a shampooer that isn't kept clean. Also, as soon as you finish shampooing, let the vacuum run for a minute or two. It will pull as much water out of the vac hose as possible, keeping it from stinking as well.
  8. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Another vote for Prochem products. The All Fiber Rinse works great, I also use their Traffic Lane Cleaner and Power Solvent.

    I also have a Mytee Spyder extractor, I've been very happy with it.
  9. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks ! I did save that page so I can look into it further.
  10. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    That's a another great idea I will definately do! I was actually going to do the same thing I do with my 2 bucket/shop vac carpet system. I always got a clean bucket of water when I was done with all the upholstry and sucked it up to clean out the hose and add some extra clean water to the dirty water for dumping.
  11. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I will also take a closer look at those products. I am glad to hear you are happy with the Mytee I did quite a bit of forum reading and question asking before purchasing the unit. It sounds like one of the better machines for auto detailing. I might even buy the home kit for it.
  12. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

  13. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Thanks for this tip Ken, I never thought of it.
  14. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I'll have to try some of these methods on my Bissell LGM.
  15. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Well I did use my extractor today. I thought when I was looking at the machine it was a bit pricy. After one use I would have paid I did recycle the water throught he heater and cleaned it out with vinegar. I also learned very quicky to watch out what part I am holding with water temps reaching 210 lol

    I wish I had bought this years ago...
    Thanks for the tips because they worked Great !
  16. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I could have told you that as well but sometimes its more fun to let people learn for themselves! LOL:devil: Those little metal fittings sure conduct heat well, don't they?
  17. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    You Win ! lol Ya I grabbed the metal once and did a little:dance: then I was like:doh:. Well now that I survived that one it's time to clean away !!!
  18. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    Great info! This was a great read as my mytee will be hear Monday. Thanks 911 for the good tips
  19. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    You are going to Love it ! And the water heating trick 911 posted is awesome and easy.

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