All seemed well till I lifted the mats on a M3 and found that the previous detailer(dealership) shampooed the carpets but somehow left a bunch behind. I believe it was left to dry in the sun as the foamy substance is hard and stuck on the carpets. I worked some Apc diluted to interior and it loosened some of it, but it seems to stay sticky. Any suggestions as I don't own a steamer or extractor. Closeup I worked on the drivers side a bit Before After-Still floating pieces that are sticky
You could even spray it down with apc and pour hot water on it and vacuum it up right away. Kind of like how an extracter works.
Wouldn't this seep under the carpet where my vacuum might not be able to pull it out? Maybe I can use hot water and spread it with a brush as to not fully soak my work area.
You have to pour and vacuum right behind it so it doesn't have time to seep through. It will get wet but with proper drying time it works very well. It's ghetto as hell but hey it's pretty much the same thing as a $800 extractor. Only works if you have a powerful vacuum. Doesnt work with a low hp one.
As its shampoo residue, don't use any more cleaner. Just moisten ( don't soak ) the carpet with water from a trigger sprayer and let it soften in up. Give it a scrub with a stiff brush, moisten ( not soak ) the carpet again and vacuum.
This! The first thing is to "soften" (lack of a better word) the carpet and the crusty substance. I used my old pad cleaner with the rough bristles to agitate the carpet but used carpet and upholstery cleaner when i moistened the carpet the second time around and vacuum last, should do the trick
Generally, carpets are not that thick and have a rubber underbelly or "skeleton" so soaking it isn't really a problem. It'll just take longer to dry depending on how strong or week your vacuum is. HOT water is key. REALLY hot water.
Im with Ken on this -- Absolutely do not add anymore soap to this There is too much soap already in the carpeting. Adding more soap is only going to make you have to remove even more. I get these every now and then too and all I can do is use my Mytee HP60 Spyder Extractor to inject hot water to loosen and remove it as it is injected . Even with a good Extractor it takes a long time depending on how much soap is embedded. I would also be careful of how agressively you brush this type of carpeting- you dont want to change the look of the carpet pile to something else. Appears that the previously done detail was done without extracting/removing all the soap; it looked nice and dark (because of the color) and the mats covered up the "evidence"... Once had a vehicle where they spilled a bottle of liquid detergent in the trunk on the carpeted mat.. Took a long time to extract that out... Sorry that had to happen to you.. You know, I just thought of something else you can try - Use Cold Water to loosen the soap - cold water used to rinse soap foam, etc., tends to kill the foamy bubbles and stuff quickly, right ? Well just maybe this will work for you and help you get this out more quickly, to not have to deal with all the soapy foam and stuff... Good luck, Dan F