Caring for Uber towels

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by Carn, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Hi Phil,

    Just a quick question, I have started using my Uber MF towels and need to wash them. What wash settings and drying settings do you generally use to keep them in tip top shape ?

    For example warm wash and low heat drying or cold wash and warm drying, ect :shead:

    Thanks in advance :thumb:
  2. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    Be careful the colors in them run.
  3. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Noticed that with the Uber drying towel, gave it a good rinse before first use and it turned the water slightly reddish. No biggie, all my towels are red so it should be fine :applause2:
  4. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Wash the red ones separate from the others, especially from the white ones or those will end up pink, speaking from experience.
  5. BMWguy206

    BMWguy206 Guest

    In the washing machine I do use hot water with a little bit of detergent and microfiber cleaner. In the dryer I set it to hot but not too long.. maybe less than 30mins.
  6. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    i used the cg red fluffer with white edges and OMG it turned my sink red.. i figured i should wash them by hand just in case and it was like a dye explosion!!!! after 3 washes they were bleeding like crazy!! hell even the poly bag they came in was stained red from the cheap dye.. i washed them 4 times including the one hand and each cycle was max everything about 90minute washes a piece.. everytime i added soap when i was hand washing them they bled like crazy!!!! i was using microfiber restore too.. i don't get it.. anyways CG said that they haven't had one person call in and that i might have had a bad batch.. they are sending me another 6. after the 3rd machine wash i said screw it and threw in about 5 other towels 2 being the yellow fluffers and a few micro polish cloths from cg.. not the SV ones thx god and they all got died and look orange to a color i can't even describe. i know to be careful with red but damn.. only cg towel that has pissed me off and the best looking and feeling one too. just sucks.. i hope this new batch will be better!!!
  7. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I wash&rinse mine in warm water with the second rinse cycle. I use micro-restore detergent.

    I dry in the dryer on delicates setting. NO dryer sheet.
  8. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Oh, and the 1st time I washed my DD uber glass towels, they bled.
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    the glass towels bled that's the first time I heard that one.

    I know the red ones do from time to time but I haven't heard about any of the other ones.
  10. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    The glass ones bled only during the 1st wash. I know, because a couple towels I had in there where white. not anymore.
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    thanks for the feedback.
  12. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    Is the glass towel the same as the huge WW one? cause my WW one bled as well.
  13. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    really how are you guys washing them?

    I have only had the red ones bleed.

    Typically you should be washing the waffles with the waffles . the glass towels with the glass towels, the red with the red the blue with the blue.

    We typically dedicate color towels to a certain job... so green /glass towels for glass, blue for polish, red for wax etc...

    Then we wash them by color. Just so that the wax on the towels don't mix with the glass cleaner and the dirt from the all purpose ones etc.
  14. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Y'all didn't know that Phil is the Martha Stewart of the detailing community!!!
  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Well, when I washed mine, I just washed them with the small amount of dirty ones I already had. Didn't think it would happen.

    I'll have to keep this in mind. Of course, the wifey might ask why I'm doing so many damn loads of laundry:loud:
  17. Atlas

    Atlas Birth of a Detailer

    Back to the OP question, What wash cycle/temp do you use and how do you dry them, air or in the dryer/what temp? Looking to keep them nice and soft! :thumb:
  18. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    My process:

    Cycle: Regular w/ extra rinse (add 1/2 cup of vinegar to last rinse)
    Temp: Hot
    Detergent: Tide Free
    Dry: Hang

    * Grime towels or wax/sealant towels get APC
    * Most often I run a 2nd wash cycle with just water

    All towels are segregated and washed with like purpose towels - Example:

    All Purpose
  19. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    warm wash/rinse with second rinse cycle and micro-restore. sometimes add vinegar to rinse cycle.

    delicates/low heat setting on dryer.

    I use no fabric sheets or fabric softeners at all. Also I make sure that the lint screen is always clean before putting the towels in the dryer.
  20. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    2nd this method

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